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Everything posted by Helmet_hair

  1. Unfortunately, if think Takeo Spikes is on the bubble. will save 3 mill.
  2. I guess when she said I’m going to make the upstate economy my priority that was a “mistake in judgment” too because she has done jack sh-- to help it! Shumers done a heck of a lot more on that front.
  3. Then how can companies like Netzero and Earthlink who don’t own or maintain any DSL lines offer DSL and why would any telecom who put in all the necessary infrastructure to offer DSL invite these 3rd parties in especially if they do it cheaper?
  4. sorry, I thought I put this in "off the wall".
  5. Why is it that I can get DSL service through Frontiernet my local telephone provider who put in all the necessary equipment, switches, updated lines ect... a few years ago but when I call Earthlink and Netzero for their DSL options they tell me DSL is not available in my area? I can’t find anyone who knows the answer to this question. Maybe since Frontier put in the lines for DSL they get some type monopoly status for some period of time, I don’t get cable in my area?
  6. Whats a Buffalotone?
  7. Yeah, I guess your right maybe I need glasses, but still…all I’m saying.
  8. Does anyone else thing Pelosi is kind of hot, especially for her age? Maybe it’s just the whole power thing for me.
  9. Yeah, come on over my neighbor knows how.
  10. I don't mind paying this increase as long as the Bills get at least 22.73% better next year!
  11. yeah, I'm a moron at times like the rest of us but this mass produced game console thing I just don't get.
  12. Buying the Wii and PS3 on Ebay for twice as much as retail creating a black market? If you would put down your hot pocket long enough to muster a little self-control and refuse to buy at scalper prices there would be plenty in the stores to buy at retail. Capitalism at its dumbest!
  13. What I want to know is what is the Free agent status is of that Fantastic Offensive line the pats have! The OL is the heart of that team. Brady has all day to throw the ball even with an all out blitz.
  14. I edit Wikipedia I memorized Holy Grail really well I can recite it right now and have you R-O-T-F-L-O-L I got a business doing websites When my friends need some code, who do they call? I do HTML for 'em all Even made a homepage for my dog, yo I got myself a fanny pack They were havin' a sale down at The Gap Spend my nights with a roll of bubble wrap Pop, pop - hope no one sees me gettin' freaky I'm nerdy in the extreme Whiter than sour cream I was in AV club and glee club And even the chess team Only question I ever thought was hard Was "Do I like Kirk or do I like Picard?" Spend every weekend at the Renaissance Faire Got my name on my underwear
  15. Dead on right! Did you know that Western New Yorkers pay the highest property taxes in the nation, bar none. Based on what upstate county you live in approx. 3 percent of your property value is paid in taxes EACH YEAR! Link
  16. Excellent, Thank you! I was just about to give up on that series
  17. I no I is a idolit I kunt spell rite.
  18. What happened to it, did the producers quite of something?
  19. geeeesh!! you guys got WAY too much money to burn on toys.
  20. Also interesting: "But the change will not alter any of the thousands of existing offshore leases, nor will it affect a mistake in hundreds of leases that could allow companies to escape as much as $10 billion in royalties over the next five years."
  21. I'm with ya. The new Bills rivalry for the 21 century has got to be with the pats. They have kicked our Arsis for almost 10 straight years now. Even back in the 90’s when the Bills where running they managed to give us a hard time and win more then just a few games!
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