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Everything posted by Helmet_hair

  2. 1979 HERE WE COME! the DOWs almost there we just lost a year today back to 1996 from 1997. At this rate we'll hit 1979 in about a month or less.
  3. WHAT would make a good representative sample 10, 25, 100, 1 billion years for an earth that's 4.6 billion years old? I don't think even ship weather data goes back over a hundred years. It's all BS
  4. now thats some funny sh--
  5. You forgot about Michelle Obama's sleeveless dresses!
  6. I don’t bother loading cop killer bullets into my “assault rifle” when killing cops, I just shoot them in the face.
  7. Here let me show you how you handle this with class.....PISS OFF Britbillsfan you langer!
  8. I think we will all soon get a lesson in Trickle-down economics. It's alive and well!
  9. I’m guessing you’re an expert on which states have the most bath houses and glory holes too.
  10. Wow, I did not know that the masses of emigrants who came to this country legally in the 1800’s and 1900’s to fuel the Industrial Revolution and who truly built this country were slaves! Oh…. That’s right they don’t count in Revisionist History because most of them were evil white Europeans.
  11. That being said, no guts no glory is something you're very well versed at.
  12. This is a very sad example of what hardening of the arteries can do to your critical thinking abilities. Cognitive impairment is a B word old man.
  13. ok, I was a bit off. One hour late and about 400 points off .....close enough for govment work!
  14. what we got here is....a liberal circle jerk going on.
  15. Why do some continue to act as if we still believe that the NYT is the unbiased paper of record?
  16. dual base drum pedals.
  17. I would have to say that this sounds like the most logical explanation of the event.
  18. I'll say one thing, I bet Ralph Wilson lives to see that day.
  19. It would be one thing if these men took us to the edge of victory and then suddenly surrendered to the Japs but they did not, they saw the war to the bitter end and so should our government for these men.
  20. yeah, that's exactly what comes to mind when I think of New Yorkers like Woody Allen, Barbra Streisand, Rosie O'Donnel, Ethel Merman and oh...The Three Stooges too. Guts I tell ya, Guts
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