The quality of the Buffalo media is irrelevant. This is an entertainment industry and the fact is the Media is a huge part of that. The national media is always going to lean on the takeaways/opinions of the local media, because rightly or wrongly there is an expectation that they are closer to the story, and therefore have a better handle on it. So with that being said, the Bills have a responsibility of controlling the narrative of the local media. It's Berchtold and the Buffalo Bills job to know what the narrative and talking points are going to be in these press conferences and control them. None of the questions should have been a surprise. Whaley should not have had to think about his answers. Good organizations, business, etc. make unscripted press conferences or meetings seem scripted.
The Buffalo Media may be hacks or whatever you feel they are, but they are not falsifying anything the Bills have said, and the simple fact is the narrative on a national level is the Bills lack competency, organizational structure, and a cohesive plan. This offseason has led to reputation damage that will hurt the Bills from a football perspective, and ultimately from a business perspective. If you don't believe this, you are in denial. They have a lot of work to do to fix this, and from what I've seen the people in the building aren't capable of doing so. They need the NFL equivalent of a turnaround consultant.