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Everything posted by nemhoff

  1. my friend you are learning the trick of setting the bar low as to not be hugely disappointed.....again
  2. A Fit? A Taurus? Nonsense, RW recently parted ways with his beloved '86 Chevy Caprice as a part of the cash for clunkers program. The old guy couldn't pass up $4,500 free dollars. You know that he went for high MPG...we're talking Prius
  3. Yeah, like the dropped and malnourished Cat
  4. Here's the nice thing about feeling like we are going to be somewhere between mediocre and putrid this next year: the bar of expectations for the 09-10 version of the Bills is low, very low. Getting ready in one week to say to myself, "told you so." So, any kind of Win or even a competitive loss will be a pleasant surprise. Actually, seeing our offense score a touchdown would be a pleasant surprise.
  5. Isn't the coordinator a coach?
  6. Can you change your mind? Somehow, someway I missed it the first time around...
  7. I hear you on setting the bar low as to not be too disappointed, but dude, give it a few weeks before you totally throw in the towel
  8. Hey! It's mine too, even if I don't have a cool bear or boobs in my avatar.
  9. The above is of course the most classic of them all. If you need a good laugh just do a search drunk Bills fans...Bills fans in all their glory. Makes me wish I didn't live 3,000 miles away!
  10. "Good guys" are getting fired all over the country right now. I would rather have someone who produces wins and can coach up talent.
  11. I wholeheartedly disagree with that statement in relation to the Buffalo Bills. For Peyton Manning preseason doesn't mean diddly. But for an unproven team and QB who have set the benchmark for mediocrity I think that you are absolutely seeing something close to the product you will get on week 10 of the regular season. This team doesn't "turn it on" when the regular season starts, people have been posting your post for the last ten years every preseason and then the Bills come out and lay another egg of a season.
  12. Til they put the ball in the freaking endzone
  13. Thanks for reopening yet another Bill's related wound...happy Monday.
  14. It is hard to rate someone's ffl draft if you don't know how points are valued and what kind of roster you have to set each week. What I don't like about your team is that you don't have a go to RB (even Lynch will be splitting time when he gets back). I would certainly pick up Barber. I bet that you are going to have a hard time choosing RB's each week.
  15. ??? 500!!
  16. The TV screen is unreal!
  17. Why in the world would you draft Buff D? I don't like that many of your RB's are going to share carries Calvin Johnson is a beast, but who he is in the worst offense in the NFL with a rookie QB (more than likely). I like Daniels and Walters. But again, why would you take 2 DEF's? I would rather pick up another fringe WR.
  18. many on this board would take favre with open arms on the Bills
  19. What I like most in those responses is that he is going to get a lot more touches because of TO's presence. It is one thing for us to say that, a whole other thing for our #1 wr to say it. When teams go zone on us there is going to be places open for Lee that just weren't with smurf crew in there.
  20. In Maui, take the main road past Kihea, all the way down the coast and go snorkeling in the lava rock pools. Very cool spot that doesn't make it into many of the travel guides
  21. Their rookie pay scale system is so messed up. They should go the NBA route...frustrating.
  22. Our Oline failed to open holes consistently last season. At the same time, you would like to see Marshawn running downhill and not dancing as much. I think that lack of consistency and tempo has hurt our running game the most over the past couple of years. Maybe the no huddle will help in that department
  23. Ahhhhhh, how texting killed the English language
  24. No plates on the car...'ol Beastmode wasn't having his best day
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