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Everything posted by CoachChuckDickerson

  1. If thats the case, you might want to spell Bob Vila right before you build up too many posts.
  2. Astrobot = Bras Toot
  3. To me this just makes what Roger Maris did all that more incredible. FU Bonds. FU McGuire. FU Sosa. MLB has become a friggin joke.
  4. Much like the success Kyle Boller had with a 2000 yard rusher and one of the best offensive lines in football.
  5. You can go kick the "Fast Ferry" in dry dock! Brilliant!
  6. For a team that has Bill Parcells as their head coach, they sure complain a lot. I'm sorry but Drew is an upgrade to Vinny, and Drew did play is best ball under Bill. Its not like they traded a #1 for Drew. They got him for nothing.
  7. In the spirit of the "insider info" that has been posted here of late, I can tell you this. There will be at least 8 road games this season. Thats from a confirmed source.
  8. I had, what could be, the worst cup of coffee in my life this morning. Other than that I have nothing to add.
  9. I'll happily throw the first rock. http://www.cnn.com/2005/US/02/22/casualty.hoax.ap/index.html
  10. I don't think anybody has a prblem with "insider information". Your bound to get flamed. The problem with a post like this is when your "insider information" tells you less than you already know. Another example of this could be: I spoke with TD today and he said they are looking to trade Henry and they have many interested parties. The question is how is this "insider info"?
  11. Does this mean that the life time suspension of certain unnamed former posters will now be lifted? :blink:
  12. Amen brother. Best of luck to one of the true class acts left in the NFL.
  13. OK, I'll bite. A great example of sensationalism. You can pick obscure US laws and verdicts to slant information as well. It is not the norm. Canadians have free speech as well, don't worry. Once again notice the careful wording "certain contact crimes" are 1.5 percent higher. Wow. Meanwhile every other crime is exponentially higher in the States. This goes for a majority of Canadian broadcasting, not just radio. Canadians are proud of their culture and the government wants to make sure that is not lost, especially in todays world. The way you do this is regulation. What is the problem?
  14. I am technically half Canadian. No need to rebut. It was an opinion based, mostly tongue in cheek, column. You want my opinion on the CFL and food decisions? I have zero desire to explain why my former culture is funny to a guy like this.
  15. The only good thing I can say was at least she didn't feed it to the dog or something. Throw the book at this B.
  16. d_wag, is that Michael Knight, Knight Rider, and Webster in your AV? If so, BRILLIANT. As far as Pollard is concerned, I think he is overrated.
  17. Now that would be a funny screen name.
  18. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=18735 The thread that was started 4 hours ago about your breaking news. CAN PEOPLE BE PUT IN A TIME OUT FOR PUTTING GLAMOROUS TITLES ON THREADS SO OTHERS WILL READ THEM. Like this joker "implying" Hasselback for Henry might be a deal.
  19. What they actually do is lease the home and land from the family for the week that they are building. There is a lease home improvement loop hole where ABC can do and build what ever they want, but because they are leasing the property, the owners pay zero tax on the "improvements" taking place.
  20. How is it an "inside scoop" when you are talking about the guy TD liked in last years draft, and many experts had us taking, until he was ruled ineligible? What is your scource, the Mel Kiper 2004 draft guide?
  21. I think I saw the horse twitch! BEAT THAT HORSE! BEAT IT! YEAH!!!!!!!
  22. I'm not a big reader but if you thought the movie was creepy, read the book. I wasn't right for a couple weeks afterward.
  23. Such a basic and uninformed grasp of everything Canadian. Nothing like a guy living in the black hole of New York telling us how crummy other systems are.
  24. Beat that dead horse buddy! BEAT IT!!!! YEAHHHHH!!!
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