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Everything posted by CoachChuckDickerson

  1. Thats is the funniest part about all of this.
  2. Signatures are tricky things. Unless you have a picture of Moorman signing the picture of himself, it isn't woth dirt. Hope your old man is doing ok. PS - Give the fuggin picture back to you dad. Its the least you could do for the man that raised you. Unless you have some Moorman man love thing.
  3. Wouldn't that give you beer a watered down salty taste?
  4. The funny thing is a fan can whip up a cool uniform concept in a matter of hours. But they pay companies 10s of thousands of dollars to redesign them and most of the time they look like crap.
  5. Somebody want to tell me what free agents are staying away from Buffalo because of JP? Did we bring some big names in that I was not aware of? I'm kind of confused.
  6. It got brutal reviews. That isn't saying much though.
  7. When is this show on? I thought it was Mondays? Now it is Thursday? WTF.
  8. I posted this yesterday and did not care for Darin's advice, as his told me what to in order to prevent the situation. That didn't help. Maybe a true expert will have so real advice Pop quiz hot shot. After 3 days of constipation you finally get some relief. Unfortunately when this happens you do not have home court advantage, you are at work. You make a mad dash for the handicap stall because you know you are going to need the extra room. After 5 minutes of child birth like pain you drop something that looks like it came out of Andre the giant. You know there is no way in hell that thing is going to flush. You probably only have minutes if not seconds before somebody else walks in and identifies you by your shoes. What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO?!?!
  9. Does not exist. It used to, then a bunch of garbage laws got passed in regards to the cost of advertising and streaming. Call and thank your local congressman.
  10. LOL. Thanks Clutch. I honestly don't think anybody can top my number 1. I, like Clutch, have spent quality time over many beers debating this subject with my buddies. In our list however you could not use more than one type of celebrity. Only one actor, one sports star, one whatever......The top guy would have to be globally cool. IMHO this is my list. 1. Bono, you simply can't get anymore ageless or cool than that MFer. 2. Tom Cruise, the only reason he gets vaulted to the #2 spot is Jamie Fox declared him one of the coolest guys he knows, and he divorced Nicole Kidman. Who the heck would divorce Nicole Kidman? You MUST be getting a boat load of quality tail to do so. 3. Brett Favre, is there any other football player you would want to hang with?
  11. You are a bitter woman or you are gay.
  12. That would seriously make a good thread. Top three super cool folks out there. I would start it but I don't want to steel your thunder.
  13. All I can say is God must really love that guy. PS- Bruce, please take pictures that can be stolen and put on the net someplace. Thank you.
  14. Quincy Carter is a druggie and George was brought in to mentor the young stable of RBs, which all ended up getting hurt. Thus George started.
  15. I willing to bet this guy will not be brought in alive.
  16. It may have gone the way of NSFW. I realize there is plenty of OT stuff here but there are plenty of other places you can you talk about what makes you jolly.
  17. The Colts and the Hawks thought they could do this year what TD did a couple of years ago with Price. They thought wrong.
  18. This could be the single worst post I have ever seen by any football fan. New England won 3 out of the the last 4 Superbowls. They are the World Champions. What exactly should the Bills try and become?
  19. Rots and Pitbulls are for guys with little wangers who want to feel like a big man. Just go to the pound and save a dog or puppy. Growing up, I had a Golden Retriever, a Shepard and I now have a little Rat Terrior. All were great dogs. All pound dogs.
  20. Just a question. How many times have you seen Womack play? Have you studied film on the guy to say he is a HUGE upgrade from what we have now?
  21. The scarry thing is I bet some of the folks on that list have different screen names too. I know I changed once or twice before I settled on the coach.
  22. It is 2005 man, you should have flushable baby wipes by now. TP is only used to dab dry the area after cleaning.
  23. Pop quiz hot shot. After 3 days of constipation you finally get some relief. Unfortunately when this happens you do not have home court advantage, you are at work. You make a mad dash for the handicap stall because you know you are going to need the extra room. After 5 minutes of child birth like pain you drop something that looks like it came out of Andre the giant. You know there is no way in hell that thing is going to flush. You probably only have minutes if not seconds before somebody else walks in and identifies you by your shoes. What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO?!?!
  24. For an "innocent" guy he sure acts guilty.
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