LOL. Thanks Clutch. I honestly don't think anybody can top my number 1. I, like Clutch, have spent quality time over many beers debating this subject with my buddies. In our list however you could not use more than one type of celebrity. Only one actor, one sports star, one whatever......The top guy would have to be globally cool. IMHO this is my list.
1. Bono, you simply can't get anymore ageless or cool than that MFer.
2. Tom Cruise, the only reason he gets vaulted to the #2 spot is Jamie Fox declared him one of the coolest guys he knows, and he divorced Nicole Kidman. Who the heck would divorce Nicole Kidman? You MUST be getting a boat load of quality tail to do so.
3. Brett Favre, is there any other football player you would want to hang with?