Beer doesn't work for you. You want a quicker buzz but don't like the taste of booze. That's a tough one. You might want to check here for some answers
This one is really crazy
Rob Johnson
Why would WR be a priority this year? That is why we drafted a WR in the first round last year. Typically a WR doesn't offically blossom until his 3rd year.
That was a trade.
That was a trade too.
Your thread looks remarkably like this one started yesterday when the article came out.
I'm not so sure about that. In 2 weeks nobody with give a sh-t about this kid. Who was the 12th, 6th, or even 3rd person voted off last year? Who knows and who cares. His family had money so he really had no worries anyway.
If I remember correctly is this not protocol during a terrorist attack? GW was in Air Force One for a good chunk of time after 9/11. It is the safest place he could be during an attack. Especially when nuclear reactors accross the country may meltdown.
Congrats. I hope to follow in your footsteps soon. The Buffalo job market isn't as bad as some make it out. If you have an education and marketable skills you'll land something. Good for you.
I thought you were going to say the Rock was making a brief comeback. I don't care if you wear you underwear on your head. I just don't want to see any hairy crack.
If you watched the trailer you would see it is a different extended version of what is available on the offical website. But I'm sure you knew that before you would post such a comment.