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Everything posted by CoachChuckDickerson

  1. Based off the parents lawsuit? You have heard one side of the story. My guess this kid was up to no good and was made to clean up a mess. Irritable bowel syndrom my ass.
  2. The guy is old. He played to play, because he still enjoys the game. This post need to be nominated for DB of the year award, and I don't mean Drew Bledsoe.
  3. If that poor bastard even has a set left, they are the size of raisins by now.
  4. I did some research on this call. Turns out the lady who placed the call went to grade school in Richmond and her parents held her back in preschool. If they only knew now..........tragedy.
  5. Sorry about that. I had two quotes on here and I guess they merged when I tried to delete one. I went to public schools, what do you expect.... I would edit it but its kinda funny.
  6. Nice word and useage! *Affirming, promoting, or characterized by belief in equal political, economic, social, and civil rights for all people.
  7. Lightning style, that is 100% pure pimp.
  8. Great post. Soccer moms and dads are out of control. Every parent thinks their child is gifted nowadays. It is a total status symbol. My wife works in an affluent community down here as a grade school teacher. You should she the parents who line up and try to get their children forced into gifted programs even though they didn't score high enough on standard testing. Unreal.
  9. For those who don't know the draft as well as others, thanks to google, I was able to determine Heath Miller is the record setting TE from Virginia..... you know Demulling played TE in high school, imagine the possibilities we missed.
  10. HERE YOU GO If anybody knows where you can get a pair of slightly used zubas, these folks can point you in the right direction.
  11. I love the smell of Ron Mexico in the morning.
  12. I heard he is tall. Did he sound tall?
  13. We need to hire 267 more county employees to examine this proposal more closely.
  14. Yeah! I thought that my buddies and I were the only ones who use this gem. It is important to speak in the third person when you use this alias. Mike Hunt itches. Mike Hunt can down that. Mike Hunt needs a beer.
  15. My guess on who shoots Locke....Nobody. I have a feeling it will part of a dream sequence.
  16. My wife made me watch last night. Did anybody see Fantasia perform? Holy crap did she eat the other contestants from last year or something? She got huge!!!!!
  17. On a serious note, this will finally curb the rumors about Vick being gay. If it was some dude saying Vick gave him anal warts, then he would be in some serious sh-t.
  18. You sir are incorrect. You are less likely to but the risk is always there of gaining a friend for life. Happy hunting!
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