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Everything posted by CoachChuckDickerson

  1. Unfortunately the winner will be some jackoff who wants to drive a stock car because it makes for "interesting" TV, not to mention easy to produce.
  2. sooooooooo you don't really want to go anyplace cool or see any sights, yet you post asking for things to do. interesting.
  3. holy crap, is it saturday yet.
  4. front page thread started yesterday searchy searchy before you posty posty
  5. who the hell is rod trafford and why is there a thread about him?
  6. Just make sure the house is clean and you have dinner on the table by the time she gets home. Best of luck Mr Mom, and god bless you!
  7. Troy Vincent is the best corner on the team. Wow. I guess the players and coaches who played with and against Nate were wrong last year when he was voted to the probowl. Thanks for enlightening us. By the way TV is a safety now.
  8. My best friend's sister's boyfriend heard from a guy he knows that this conversation never happened.
  9. are those ratings based off of that individual draft class or are they constant?
  10. I think VABills answered this question in an earlier thread. I hate the SEARCH button.
  11. Mike Vick is mexican? I thought he was african american.
  12. THE NUGE!!!!!! I hope they draft him just because of his name.
  13. aren't you a bit big for a fireman?
  14. who is ron mexico?
  15. What do you buy at the ticket office?
  16. Dude, you can't be serious. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=22167
  17. www.nfl.com
  18. My "sources" have told me that the NFC guys put their pants on one leg at a time, just like the AFC guys. Beyond that, I don't know.
  19. I CAN"T STAND SHOWBOATING!!!!!!!..........unless the showboater plays for the Bills, then I love it.
  20. I don't think it would get that far as Tom Modrak would rip the phone out of TD's hands and beat him with it.
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