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Everything posted by CoachChuckDickerson

  1. I HAVE HEARD OF HIM!!!! Get er done TD!!!!
  2. Way to read only the headlines......Oh well. The only thing I can say is if the jury lets him go they should be forced to employ Mike as their babysitter once a week. This case is about one thing and one thing only. MONEY. If you had a single 46 year old man living down the street from you who liked to have young boys come over for sleep overs...what do you think would happen to that dude?
  3. I reaaly hope it works out for him, but if it doesn't at least he hit his big pay day.
  4. ......and some NFL guys can play until 40 and others until they are 32. Folks hit the wall at different ages. 36 is no spring chicken for a lady. Sorry.
  5. When I am at work and I know one of my buddies is going to "do his business" in the mens room, I wait about 5 minutes then I go turn offf the lights on him. I laugh so hard I cry everytime I do this. Is there something wrong with me or am I just an a-hole?
  6. How about the fact that she was 27 when she did Jerry McGuire 9 YEARS AGO! She is 36 dude. It happens.
  7. I willed this to happen.
  8. Are you secretly a Titans fan?
  9. Funny you should say that because that is exactly what my opinion of baseball is.
  10. WNYers only vote incumbents in. Sorry Jim.
  11. Someone, somewhere, will post this on the net. Never fear.
  12. RUMOR LINKY , confirming your post.
  13. The funny thing is as long as the Sabres were smart about things and got their paperwork in on time with the league, marketing the team to WNY shouldn't be as hard as some may think. All they have to do is roll out the old blue and gold and people with go ape sh-t.
  14. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=24796 You are correct. You missed it.
  15. 1) Job transfer 2) North Carolina 3) Real Estate contrary to what other might tell you is more expensive down here. Much cheaper taxes however. 4) I'll move back anyway eventually. 5) Improve education so I don't have to reply to threads titled "Why do you leave Buffalo???"
  16. That is kind of a touching story until the last line. Sounds like so therapy might be in order.
  17. I realize that Robby is just a driver but you would think the guy has some idea on how the car actually works. Does he know how many horsepower that thing turns out? I guess I should let my wife drive the Dakota in the future. Since she weighs less she will probably get better mpg. Thanks Robby!!
  19. Aren't you the same fella who had buddies in the eagles organization or something? I can't remember exactly but something about McNabb as a Bill I believe. Come on guy, there is no need for this garbage.
  20. You should have got a HEMI. Next time pony up the extra coin and you won't have to worry about numbnuts like this. Don't worry too much about them either. They'll end up doing that crap to the wrong guy or guys some day. No worries.
  21. Great point. I could definitely see that happening.
  22. At least you got the fact that your child is in middle school right.
  23. Danielle said the "others" were coming for the boy. She just didn't say which boy. Everyone assumed it was the baby because she stated "the others" took her baby.
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