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Everything posted by CoachChuckDickerson

  1. Agreed. Except with the part about Craig, I think the guy is awful. I used to watch Kilborn but now I'm a Conan fan.
  2. but... but... but... I HEARD of him! One of the greatest coaches of all time was available?!? Another example of TD not gettin er done!
  3. If she would have just kill and/or given her broker a hand job, she never would have gone to jail. Live and learn.
  4. I should have included the cat disclaimer. Comparing the death of a cat is definitely ignorant. I can see where you are coming from now, sorry for the misunderstanding and once again, sorry for your loss.
  5. I'm gonna need some pliers, and a set of 30 weight ball bearings.
  6. I am sorry for your loss. Everyone deals with loss in their own way and it is not easy, especially when it is somebody you love. However, belittling the losses of others and saying their loss is nothing compared to yours is just ignorant.
  7. The only point I am trying to make is that it all about the little things and making them feel special. Guys come here and complain that they spent all this money on a girl and then she dumped them. Chicks don't care about that stuff as much as the little stuff. They want romantic crap they can brag to their friends about. Any dope can take their significant other to a $200 dinner, or buy them jewelry. Whoopie. Try writing out their birthday cards instead of just signing the store bought one, tell them they look nice when they don't expect it, send flowers to their work for no reason. It is really quite simple. If you do the little stuff, you never have to worry about being whipped because your leash is 10 times longer than the normal guy.
  8. COLD HARD TRUTH, based off of observations from this post. 1. She found somebody else, no doubt 2. You kinda sound like a jerk. If you cared about the lady, you would never tell her you don't daydream about her. That is cold. Women need to hear that junk. 3. I'd lay cold hard cash down that if you are complaining about cash spent and cats to us, you b-tched about it to her too. Learn how to treat a lady. Don't belittle the things they love.
  9. I fly round trip from Raleigh or Greensboro to Buffalo at least every couple of months. Primarily on holiday weekends and such. I have found the best air prices are found 3-6 weeks before the flight departs. There seems to be jumps in price at 1 week, 2 weeks, and 1 month before the flight departs. Don't take this information as gospel though. I don't work for any air carriers and I did not sleep at a Holiday Inn last night.
  10. Sounds like Big Cat has a crush on a certain unnamed board member. It is springtime, birds are singing, flowers are blooming, and manlove is in the air.
  11. In 6 months, when the 2 of you break up and you move out, let us know so we can tell you we told you so.
  12. run. right now. don't look back until you are 30.
  13. Best on the market today. Hands down.
  14. The players Drew has that are holding out are NEW Drew clients this year. They had different agents last year.
  15. Buffalo Logo I was about to buy some throwback merchandise when I noticed something about the old red standing buffalo. He seems to have a "bulge". I am no expert in buffalo anatomy, but he sure seems tiny. Give this guy a hogger! GO BILLS!!
  16. 11 of 24 from 40-49 over the past five seasons. That is 47%. 6 of 11 from 50+ over the past five seasons. That is 54%. That is about 50% from 40+. I'll pass on Mr Clutch.
  17. WHAT?!?! That is rediculous!! I only eat lean pockets.
  18. I feel compelled to commend you on your use of the SEARCH button. Unless it was a mod that combined the threads, in that case I retract my previous statement.
  19. Are they referring to this as the "No Recuit Left Behind" policy yet? Sounds awful familiar.....
  20. Number 1 -Boys count em, men drink em. Number 2 -Three beers and you can't control yourself? If you have 4 do you take your panties off for any salor that gives you the time of day? Be a man and quit crying.
  21. You cook them 2 at a time. Me too. I heard that Bush cooks them 1 at a time.
  22. One key factor that is being overlooked is the guys who are holding out are new Rosenhaus clients. Rosenhaus did not negotiate the original deals. McGahee's contract was negotiated by Rosenhaus, no worries.
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