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Everything posted by CoachChuckDickerson

  1. These kids sound like they play their sports on the P2.
  2. but... but... I thought that picture I had of Britney Spears and a donkey was real....
  3. I guess 'the action' over at Ellicott Creek Park just isn't what it used to be.
  4. The really sad thing is somebody, somewhere, got a chubby while reading this.......where has stojan been anyway?
  5. Cleary you can see that Americans, Nazis and Soviets were all used in the same run on sentence. It is clear as day to me.
  6. I can't believe Bush had the stones to go on a picnic the same day the autopsy information was released. Just another example of the Republicans not giving a crap about middle class folks like you and me........
  7. Probably the same people who paid to see Runaway Bride which grossed $152,149,590 in the USA alone. God bless america!!! Gotta go my hot pocket is ready!!
  8. I don't know about everyone else but I can't wait until the next women's softball tourney!!!!
  9. Just another example of TD not gettin er done.
  10. What did the man on the beach say to Michael Jackson? Get out of my sun!!
  11. Quick observation. If you felt the need to repond, you give a sh-t.
  12. Don't forget about 'serioulsy'. The correct spelling would be as follows: The Riddler is seriously a fill in the blank.
  13. Fox5 is aware that Buffalo is in a region commonly referred to as the rust belt, right?
  14. You must not be wearing any pants because I can see your nuts.
  15. Is he any relation to Gringo's Heywood Jablomie from page 2 of this thread?
  16. I for one, do not want to know.
  17. I would be willing to bet cold hard cash that you are rocking one hell of a mullet.
  18. Normally I would just kick the dog because the cat is too fast.
  19. I know what you mean. I bought some 'white cloud' toliet paper over the weekend. They have a picture of big white puffy soft looking cartoon clouds on the package. Later in the day, when it was go time, I realized there is nothing soft or fluffy about it. That crap was like recycled sand paper. I was offended.
  20. Pony up the extra 5 bucks next time you buy a coffee maker and get one that has the little valve that doesn't allow the coffee out unless the urn is in place.
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