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Everything posted by CoachChuckDickerson

  1. One of you turds is gonna get smacked in the mouth!
  2. ....I'm gonna come at you like a spider monkey!
  3. That is a perfect way of putting it.
  4. looks like it is time to pull out your check book Time Warner.
  5. I could not agree more. If my wife asks me why I would want to move back and I say, "Because I miss the Bills." I guarantee that would be the last time we had that conversation. I would also not trade my time away from Buffalo for all the tea in China, but I would also love to move back up North. I have a new perpective on things having been away from the area for a bit and recommend that everybody jump ship, even if for a short time. The problem with Buffalo is that 99.9 percent of people who live there are from there. There are no new ideas or fresh blood coming into the region. Get out a bit, expeience some new stuff.
  6. I love the Bills as well, but if you are making life decisions based on the Bills you might want to re-evaluate some things.
  7. We have a new offensive coordinator this year. I wouldn't sweat it.
  8. Would you mind if I spent 4 hours a day trolling on TBD?
  9. No reach around for his buddy TD? Mort, you're slipping!
  10. There might be some people who are interested in hiring you.
  11. The Bills are leaving?
  12. If you build it, they will come.
  13. I highly doubt he did not inform his wife what was going on and "abandon" his child. She was military as well and if she would have admitted to knowledge of him going awol there would have been repercussions for her. Just my 2 cents.
  14. "Patrick Hart, who was in the Army 9½ years and served nearly a year in Kuwait in 2003." Just curious...How many of you guys claiming this guy is a kitty have served overseas in the military for a year or have even been in the military? I don't approve of his actions, but I do understand why he did what he did.
  15. Drew Bennett in a heart beat. He is the best of the bunch and will come cheaper because he is a white guy playing receiver.
  16. Somebody once stole the windshield wipers along with the wiper arms off of my truck and replaced them with their old ones which were obvously the wrong size. I didn't notice until I was driving home, used my squirts, and the blade arms started flopping around. $70 a piece for new blade arms and $10 a piece for the wipers. If I could have caught the clown that did it, I would have ruined his year and then some.
  17. If this has been posted before, I do not applogize because it deserves to be posted again for the sake of men everywhere.
  18. If daquixers agrees with you, is that typically a good thing or bad thing? thanks.
  19. The only way to avoid this is to draft him on your fantasy team.
  20. a gay guy who rides the bus.
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