So one message board guy says, according to his buddy, JP got thrown out of bar in E-ville. Another message board guys says accoring to his buddy, JP was the coolest guy and developed a man love crush watching from a distance as JP played pool all night.
I just don't know which friend of a guy on a Bill's message board is telling the truth.....where is SOPORANO to confirm what what actually happened?
Really, the only time I have heard about is since they cleaned house. Seems " the inside sources" have a lot of gripes since they get canned. I hope TD has free national long distance cause it sounds like he is bad mouthing us to anybody that will listen.....
I know it took a lot of time to set up and there were hundreds of cameras used. The images were compiled together with a computer so you could rotate it but I don't believe it created any missing angles if that is what you mean.
Why can't the NFL pony up the coin and use the "Matrix Technology" they used for the Super Bowl a couple of years back. It allowed them to rotate around the play being reviewed from any angle to see what happened. Anybody know why they don't do this, at least in the playoffs?