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Everything posted by CoachChuckDickerson

  1. Ahhhh, the one righteous juror. He should be made to live next door to these douche bags should they end up getting off.
  2. Six pack of beer - $5 1/2 tank of gas - $15 Play It Again Sports baseball bat - $20 Douche bag middle manager finally busting the balls of the wrong employee - Priceless
  3. If you show up at 11:55pm for the 12:00am mass, it is still Sunday.
  4. english mother f*cker, do you speak it?
  5. I hope Vince Young gets genital warts. Have a nice day.
  6. Merry Christmas everybody!
  7. This guy sounds like a code red douche bag if you ask me.
  8. He was no longer a QB, he was an F-B-I agent.
  9. This guy was pretty funny. This statement was dead nuts correct about downtown Buffalo.
  10. If it took these guys 2 years to hunt down a f-cking elephant that killed 27 people, it doesn't surprise me that the real Osama is still at large.
  11. The hometown Miami reporter bashed the Bills and now you want to cyber stalk her? What did she do differently than any other Miami sports anchor? Am I missing something here?
  12. He could but his cup on over the outside of his pants. nobody would come near him.
  13. I'm using a double layer of tin foil tonight when I wrap my head up before I go to bed.
  14. I think you'd have to first see if Vick can catch....
  15. Good. Now go sign Drew Bennett.
  16. AD's spidey sense kicked him square in the as*hole as soon as you typed LeClaire and Sabres in the same sentence.
  17. Tell her to rub some dirt on it.
  18. If the Sabres developed some kind of harness he would wear that they could attach to one of his line mates so they could haul his carcass up and down the ice I might think about it.
  19. I used to be certified with the Red Cross in First Aid and CPR and was a lifeguard for a couple years. I never hear of sugar for shock, but I could have been asleep in class. Everything else sounded dead nuts on though.
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