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Everything posted by CoachChuckDickerson

  1. I forgot about that. We are saved!! Get er dun Marv!!!
  2. He would be hard pressed to get 2.5 million out of anybody on the open market.
  3. So it will be number 11 vs number 7 again......stop the madness!!!
  4. Gee, what a shocker.....
  5. I like the show, but then I like Howard Stern too......
  6. I love Stern and think he is friggin brilliant. If somebody wants to think I'm a knuckle dragger because of it....boohoo.....Also, I hated the English Patient.
  7. the mutant chickens with no beeks?
  8. Have you submitted your redesigned Bills helmets to Marv and the boys yet??
  9. blitz them up the middle. game over.
  10. thats what she said
  11. SO, who is going to be the first guy suspended? You know they will make an example of some B-List shlub to give the appearance their policy is legit. Where is Iron Mke Sharp when you need him?
  12. sometimes folks just try a bit too hard to be different. yawn.
  13. I ceratinly don't drive drunk, but if I do go to the local watering hole after work a tip back a couple, I drive home like Miss Daisy. I just don't get some folks.
  14. Not really much of a shot. I love Marv as much as the next Bills fan, but lets be honest. He hasn't held a NFL job of any type for over a decade, and was never a personell guy. Saban and Bellychuck do have a step up at this point.
  15. So all a 1st round QB needs to be successful is a good offensive line? Somebody should tell that to Kyle Boller.
  16. You seemed to of glossed over the fact that the dude had over 30 less catches than Moulds, who missed 3 games and had Losman and Holcomb throwing to him.
  17. I don't give as rat's "A$$" either. I clicked on the topic and wrote this reply out of sheer spite, and I am not sorry.
  18. ESPN is quickly approaching CBS level in their news reporting.
  19. They are replaying the last 2 episodes at 8-10 tonight on FOX.
  20. My questions in where the heck does it say the Bills are drafting a RB on that link? It is just a list of the top players as they have em ranked. No NFL team is even mentioned.
  21. The administration has no one to blame except themselves for the knee jerk reaction folks are having. They only spent the last 5 years demonizing the whole middle east region and now they expect americans to be cool with this? Okey dokey.
  22. I just checked their website and apparently Halibuton does not do port security. So the answer to your question is NO.
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