Great post mark. The above caption about Vincent is what so many fail to see, either figuratively or literally. They amount of knowledge a 10 year vet brings to a team you cannot put a price tag on.
The same folks who hate Wire are the same folks who hate Bledsoe, who hate TD, who hate Mike Williams....why the are Bills fans it is beyond me. They hate everybody.
Just because he is the first QB drafted, that doesn't mean he is the #1 QB. The write up was based off of 2003 year end numbers. I am not rooting against you. I hope you win. The truth is without 2 solid RBs you are not going anywhere.
A little harsh yes, but true. ESPN had a nice stat in their magazine this past issue regarding what many already knew about fantasy ball. The difference between the number 2 QB and the number 10 QB last year was about 13%. The difference between the number 2 RB and number 10 RB was 39%. RBs win championships in fantasy land. Plain and simple. Sorry.
Holy cow fellas. Some of you cannot be serious with this thread. Our number 2 and 3 QBs went down with injuries. Travis could be back week 3. JP maybe after the halfway point. TD goes out and signs a stop gap player until that point. Now you guys are gonna cry that the Bills are carrying 4 QBs. WTF. You don't have anything better to complain about? Injuries happen. When they do, you have to make the best of it. Some of you B word like a bunch of little school girls. Unreal.
I think Drew's quote speaks for itself. Travis is the only other vet we have who has been in the new system since the beginning. You don't discuss job related issues with your piers at your job? Who exactly is not going to make the active roster that you are worried about? A sixth linebacker?
Woah there! I have been listening to the Simoncast today and they NEVER said he might be lost for the season. Your post is a flat lie. Where do you get your info from?
Maybe you should check the signature section of your profile. I guess the quote by your 9 year old cousin and future grand wizard is a joke too. Sounds like the apple doesn't fall to far from the family tree.
The rumor mill is also stating the Bills may hold off until tomorrow when teams have to trim down rosters. Kordell might be on that list. I'd rather have Shane but at least Kordell knows the system.
Much like Milloy last year, who do we play week one? Revenge can sometimes out weigh money. Also the fact that our D is very solid, it would give him a great opportunity to succeed. Also the Spikes factor.