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Everything posted by CoachChuckDickerson

  1. Has anybody else heard this? It is supposedly be reported on WGR. As an out of towner now it makes it a bit hard to confirm. Anyone? THIS IS NOT MEANT TO STIR THE TURDS!!! THIS IS NOT FACT!!!! I just want to know what you guys know.
  2. Is the President trying to ammend the constitution so fat people do not have the same rights as skinny people? Not even in the same ball park chief. Go home and think a little harder next time you are on the crapper.
  3. Maybe the #1 pass defense in the league had something to do with it....Some receivers were missed on throws? We should fire every QB in the NFL in that case, a majority of the have 60% completion percentages. They all stink.
  4. 0-4 because we had no finishers in the 4th quarter. Now a guy comes on in the forth and seals the victory and you have the stones to knock the guy?
  5. Last time I checked the Bills are 0-4 with a history of crumbling under the pressure in the 4th quarter. I would look forward to playing them as well.
  6. Pitt is doing it with smoke and mirrors. Big Ben is going to fall flat on his ass. It is only a matter of time. Pitt will NOT make the playoffs.
  7. Not to worry. The Buffalo Fans and Media would have run Harrington out of town by now. At least with an offensive lineman there isn't as much focus on him.
  8. NFL=National Fix League
  9. As the old saying goes...You can wish in one hand and crap in the other. See which one gets filled up first.
  10. I thought I heard he is switching to #17 when he comes back.
  11. I don't think taking Drew was stupid. It is a hard thing to develop chemistry in the NFL. The Bills had it, then cheaped out when it came to Peerless. I am not saying that Peerless is a great receiver but for what ever reason he worked well with the offense we were running and the guys he was playing with. Since he left we lost that offensive chemistry and haven't been able to get it back. Maybe a JP infusion will jump start them, maybe trading guys is the answer. One thing is obvious though. Switching coaches isn't going to help.
  12. Once again, read the original post. Did I say anything about dumping the Bills? Oh well. Flame away ladies. I guess it will take the heat of the fact that the Bills are 0-4 for a couple of hours. Coach=RJ. Coach is a commie bastard. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Coach. I am better fan than you Coach.
  13. Nevermind. Ignore the tread. Obviously some here cannot read. I was under the impression we had some football fans here who enjoy watching teams other than the Bills. I personally watch about 4 games each weekend because I enjoy the game. I must be the only one.
  14. We can adopt a new team until next year. And NO this thread is not for those who want to defend the Bills and say you are a die hard fan. We all are. What other team still has enough room on the band wagon to hop onto. I like what the Jets are doing. Also the Texans look like a fun team to watch. Any suggestions?
  15. What if the only political postion he held was govenor for a term? Would you feel better then?
  16. There are two things your with this post. 1-No Link 2-IF anything remotely like this was said, what was the context surrounding it.
  17. You might want to check out the success rate of QBs who are drafted in the 1st round before you shoot a load in your drawers.
  18. It is an excellent show. I found it pretty easy to follow. They do a lot of flash back stuff for character development. All around I think it is the best show on TV right now. It is different from anything else you find on TV. If you don't like it turn the channel and watch a sitcom about a wacking dad and his family. Turn again and you can watch one of the 12 CSI programs. Or turn again and you can watch some crappy reality show. I like the fact that there is finally some original programming on.
  19. Exactly. A guy with a whole 9 posts starting threads with CLICK ON THIS!! Ummm......no.
  20. Who the heck is Tony Bogyo? Should I know who he is? Did I miss a meeting or something?
  21. The polls are not from random people watching the telecast who decide to log on to the website afterwards. They take X amount of registered Republicans, the same amount of registered Democrats and X amount of undecided voters. These voters are choosen before the debate even occurs. If you notice Fox News was steering clear of poll numbers because they did not work out in their favor. They did report on it though.
  22. It is kind of strange. Maybe it is only me. When you see the clock hit 5:00 in the 4th quarter and the Bills are within one score of taking the lead or tieing the game do your emotions just turn off? Personally, I just sit there calmly and wait for them to self destruct. The really funny thing is that every game that they played this year, a different part of the team can be blamed. I know that losing is a team effort, but I am refferring to the final critical plays. Game 1- The defense blew it. Game 2- The coaching blew it by not challenging the call. Game 3- The offense blew it. By process of elimination, I guess the Jets loss will come on a special teams error in the final minutes.
  23. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE BAN THIS PIECE OF stevestojan'S AV PLEASE!!!! Truely tasteless. You are a real class act Risin.
  24. You guys should have called this the Monday Morning Quarterback thread. Which ever one of guys has the magic 8 ball on who will be a good NFL pro please send it. Look at any team's draft over the past 5 years. You'' be able to find plenty of busts on their rosters too. Easy to critize in 2004 on a 2002 draft.
  25. So in other words you would send your wife to die because Saddam was taking pot shots at some of our planes in the no fly zone and jerking around Hans Blix.
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