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Everything posted by CoachChuckDickerson

  1. Who speaks for the babies? The mother speaks for the fetus. Thats who. Plain and simple. God Bless America.
  2. On ESPN about 3 weeks ago Mort said the Packers had him earmarked as their QB of the future and would heavily pursue him at the end of the season. This was before 9 TD passes in 2 weeks. I'm sure they like him even more now. NO, I do not have a link, it was on TV.
  3. This has to be one of the best threads I have read here in a while. Classic stuff. 1. I especially enjoy the holy rollers who think sex should only be done for the purpose of procreation, with the lights off, under the covers, missionary, on your birthday or christmas ONLY with your wife or husband. I truely feel bad for you. 2. I am not a woman. This is a WOMEN'S RIGHT issue. I love how men feel it is the OBLIGATION of women to carry out a pregnancy. It is a WOMEN'S RIGHT issue. Nothing like a bunch of guys telling us how the world should be.
  4. He was 2/3 passing in the 4th quarter and one of those came on blown coverage. Your joking right?
  5. You definitely "feel it" a bit more on the smaller jets. The only issue I have with the smaller jets is I get a bit clausterphobic. Other than that the are fine. I did fly into Philly on a windy day once while riding one. The lady in front of me puked all over the place.
  6. ..and how many times did they come within 3 yards of Manning? Your right, your lack of football knowledge is quite painful.
  7. Just pointing out the obvious. The fact that a good running game takes a lot of pressure off the QB. Where are all the Drew sucks threads now? For those of us who kept and continue to keep the faith in Drew I applaud you. As for the rest of the fair weather fans I say :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: . We'll save you some room on the bandwagon.
  8. I have played Madden (of course) and Socom II online. Any other good titles out there right now for online play?
  9. I would really love to live in the black and white world of the Republicans. Unfortunately I actually give a stevestojan about my fellow americans.
  10. Maybe you didn't hear the President correctly. The weapons of mass distruction have been secured and there is no need for a draft to keep the peace is a country of 20 million.
  11. You sir are a true POS. To all who want to try and turn this into a Edwards bashing thread, you too are off the mark and a POS. Also some of you numbnuts need to remember something. A lawyer doesn't award money to people. A jury of your piers does that. If your child is born with cerebral palsy because of medical negligence during child birth are you going to stand there and say "Oh well stevestojan happens?". Just because you are fortunate doesn't mean that everybody else is. To the Kerry family my prayers are with you.
  12. Um yeah. Did you read the title of the thread?
  13. Who was the poster that was dating the waitress from the sports bar and wouldn't shut up about her for a month. Every post was about that girl. Are they married yet, or did she can him? All I remember was him telling her he loved her after a week of dating. Anybody else remember?
  14. Forget Howard! What about the Fantasy Football Golden Boy segment?!? You mean I have to think for myself now? You'll be missed by out of towners. Just don't conform like the rest of the WGR clones. ITS NOT ALL DREW'S FAULT!
  15. For those of us who are out of towners....this is a sad day. Our only streaming Buffalo sports outlet is dead.
  16. No not at all. Kerry lost and I am disappointed but Bush won fair and square and I'll support him. I just believe in equal rights. I also believe that starting a thread on the losers wife is in bad taste. If I offended you I am sorry. They have pills and pumps for your problem though, don't worry.
  17. It is said that men with small "little buddy" find independent women intimidating. This post explains everything.
  18. I am so excited for 4 more years.
  19. I could not agree more.
  20. 3 registered voters or 3 electoral votes?
  21. Post of the day. Good stuff.
  22. CBS is definitely lefty, but ABC? They are the only real fair and balanced network going. They are owned by a bunch of right wingers. How could you group them with CBS?
  23. Too bad those aren't the drugs they are talking about importing. Pfizer, the No. 1 pharmaceutical makes most of their drugs overseas. These drugs are shipped from the manufacturer to the US or Canada. Under Canadian law each provience is allowed to negotiate a set price, which keeps things in check. These are the EXACT same drugs that are seeing 17% yearly increases in the US while politicians stand by. Why do they stand by and let this occur? There are apppoximately 1.5 lobbyists per politician in Washington. They are the BIGGEST contributor to campaign funds. FACTS sure do suck. Look into them.
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