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Everything posted by CoachChuckDickerson

  1. Soccer Moms became Security Moms. Had nothing to do with who Bush surrounded himself with. It was on factor. Fear.
  2. Maybe if you traveled out of the country every once in a while you would understand. Easy to talk big in the confines of your own country.
  3. One sack and 5 picks and a DEFENSIVE LINEMAN scored a TD. Ummm.....
  4. Hello, my man is tgreg99 and I am a (fill in the blank).
  5. Where are all your numbnut buddies who say that Bledsoe no longer has the stuff to put this team on his back and carry it anymore? All I hear from the basher side of the field is crickets chripping..........chirp, chirp.....chirp,chirp........
  6. But I thought the late John Butler and the current AJ Smith stunk? You mean these guys know some football. Amazing how a winning record makes everything OK.
  7. Somebody once posted a link for Rome's show so you could listen over the net. Anybody still have it?
  8. Mort reported on ESPN last week that Charger's management told him under NO circumstances is Brees leaving the team. The are about 20 million under the cap next year and if need be will franchise Brees. What they do after that...who knows.
  9. Last time I checked he mopped up in 2 games not 1. A pick, a fumble, and a sack with 4 career attempts. He is just ooozing confindence at this point. He too could be 9-0 given the chance. Yes this post was all about attention.
  10. all I can say is he was very RJ-like in his mop up action. Big Ben he is not. Can you say 2006?
  11. I BELEIVE!!! WHY NOT US!!! Are chances are not as dim as they were last week. They will not be as dim next week as this week. One game at a time fellas. One game at a time.
  12. Except the fact that none of those teams needs a running back.
  13. ...and the only horrid games he had were against the Ravens and Pats. Two of the top denfensive units in the game today.
  14. Maybe you should think about missing a couple more. I don't suppose you bought a Bledsoe jersey about 2 years ago?
  15. How many more threads are you going to start telling us that JP should have played? When things start to click with the guys you have in the game, you don't change it up. They had chemistry going. You need to keep that going. They need to believe in one another. MM knows that. A 4-6 record is tough but they could make a little run. As the Red Sox said, "Why not us."
  16. But Bush gave me and my redneck buddies $300 cold hard cash. What is this def-ee-cite you keep talkin bout?
  17. Timmy McVey was an american and christian. Next question.
  18. ...is this a serious arguement? If you wan to point out dumb facts how about Drew has one more Superbowl ring than the mighty Jim Kelly and Dan Marino combined. Once again the guy is on the downside of a solid career. To try and knock his accomplishments is just plain dumb.
  19. The guy is on the downside of a solid career and now you want to try and rip him and everything he has ever done apart. Maybe you should go visit Canton and check out the stats of some other HOF QBs before starting a moronic thread like this one.
  20. This thread is a great example of how classless some bills fan has become. Nice job.
  21. As much as I try and defend Drew I would have to agree his days as the QB of the Bills are over. Get JP in there and give him a chance.
  22. I think I have one of those brewing right now. I refuse to go at work. I am going to try and make the 35 minute drive home for home court advantage. Wish me luck!
  23. Once again, you are telling women what they should do with their bodies. Why don't you start with controlling yourself. Do you realize that every time you "punch the clown" you are releasing and KILLING MILLIONS of little Joe Six Packs.
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