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turd ferguson

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Everything posted by turd ferguson

  1. Gregg Williams is a former NFL Head Coach............
  2. how is their 39 year old reciever doing? is he playing?
  3. glad to be of service...hey did u hear that tom brady is the next worst joe montana qb today and that aaron schoebel signed a new mega millions contract?
  4. go into my controls, e-mail settings and uncheck the box for auto e-mail notifications
  5. my point is it gets a little much, too many people are hell bent on seeing thier name as the post starter(yeah yeah i know, i started this thread) that it becomes overwhelming. there are 8 threads alone on this page alone(at last count) with tom brady aas the main subject, i know everyone wants their point known and the best way to ensure that is to start a new thread, but common man! lets let that horse die with a bit of dignity.
  6. the fact that ANYONE that responded seriously to this post really frightens me, it shows just how little some of y'all pay attention. this post was to point out the idiocy of the number of seperate threads questioning, praising, belittling etc...tom bradys worth. one post suffices for this yet there are probably no less than 10 Tom Brady/NE Oline threads, plus at least 10-15 Aaron Schoebel threads. Its no wonder Scott has constant problems with flooding......everyone here should very seriously consider RMPL alot L! OK off my soapbox
  7. i echo boners message, cept for the zima part. have a great time and throw in an extra decible for me at the game. and for gods sake, be smart and be safe!
  8. a subject yet to be broached....personally i vote for Gucky. BTW, any news on Aaron Schoebels new contract?
  9. sheez, wish i thought of that!
  10. How about the fact that any true weather fan would never use canned chili for a cook-out, campbells chili is stevestojan, homemade chili rules and is the only way to go
  11. HEY! You making fun of me??????? :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  12. common man, as a die hard yankee fan and sox hater, i am not very comfortable this month. lets let the sox fans talk all they want. the yankees do not have an easy road ahead.
  13. right about the 2 minute warning of the first half they showed an outside shot of what i presume was some where in Bah-stin, they showed 5 illuminated yet transparent structures. what were they? anyone know?
  14. right now he needs to disprove people more than having to prove himself. so far the guy is living up to his billing and it really rubs us bills fans the wrong way
  15. I vote Other - Niners might be the worst team
  16. it can only help my fantasy picks this weekend as i am starting mcnair and chris brown, the better the weather conditions the better potential for me. YAY ME!
  17. yeah like i said the left sided kanuder valve, it should work
  18. because baby, rocks got the shizzle stuck in his toy-dizzle, with the tizzle bizzle
  19. no silly, complete other side
  20. its kind of like in the holy grail when the "french" soldiers went behind the castle wall laughing to each other with one saying "I told him we already had one", thats what rock's neighbor did when he was with the other neighbors "....I told him to 'cork' it with a tennis ball"
  21. find the kanuder valve, the left one, turn it counter clockwise twice then clockwise once, the tennis ball should just kind of roll right out.
  22. Sammy Adams on an ugly reception and humourous romp!
  23. join the crowd, torrential downpours and tornado watches/warnigns here in chesterfield VA............AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
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