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turd ferguson

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Everything posted by turd ferguson

  1. yeah i know, and i always have a million excuses, most of them include dollar signs
  2. you would be throwing your money out the window. while the bills are from the best team in the league, i do not see this game as being close. the bills should and will trounce the raiders this weekend. a smarter bet would be to take the bills and the 3. money inda bank!
  3. on whos part? both?
  4. time ususally does heal alot, and if you cannot get over something as "unimportant" as sports, then you have bigger issues(not saying you as in Rubes, just you in general)
  5. that makes perfect sense. thanks.
  6. put my vote down for the good old chrysler voyager. i love my mini-vans!
  7. question for all you sox fans. do you like the decision they made to use schilling v the devil rays rather than save him for this series? I know the yankees are not the only team the sox play, but i would think in this type of marquee match-up series, you want your studs. Being a die hard yankee fan, i am glad the yanks do not have to face him this weekend, but i was just confused.
  8. that would be cool to see, that whole underground thing!
  9. when i was a kid at disney, i remember i was posing with mickey mouse and i kept patting him on the head, he turned around and was ready to belt me. ya gotta remember that they are probably extremely hot in those costumes, the banging on the heads probably reverberates like crazy and dealing with people pulling them every which way. That has to be a hellacious job. now there is no excuse for molesting people, but charges were dropped.
  10. HOLY CRUD! I know its not cool making fun of others but cheeze and rice, did that guy get his head caught in a vice? his head and face look squished!
  11. who would you start this weekend 1) Steve McNair v TN 2) Matt Hasselbeck v TB or 3) Carson Palmer v. Miami I think I know, but need some reassurance
  12. I vote for the middle of next season to make the playoffs.....just daring to be different
  13. the bills are gonna DESTROY the raiders this weekend.
  14. yeah no doubt, there is so much music out there that not everyone has to listen to the what every one else listens to. thats what makes rock and roll and music in general so cool. some day you may listen to randy newman and "discover" an appreciation for him, as I have done with a great number of bands and musical styles.
  15. is frank zappa in the hof?
  16. randy newman is awesome, don't let his short people and toy story works cloud your judgement(not that there is anything wrong with them), but his whole collection as a songwriter is awesome, he is not middle of the road type performer but he is up there in the singer/songwriter echelon, every bit if not more deserving than the likes of john prine, john hiatt and that genre of musicians.
  17. don't know orchard beach but i went to camden maine a few years back and it was a beeeeee-----uuuuuuteeeful!
  18. It all starts with on simple phrase. "HI, my name is Foxboro mike, and i am a bledsoe basher!" you seem to be well on your way!
  19. HA HA HA!!! What a Loser! Just kidding. Sorry to hear it and here's to getting back quickly!
  20. never mind, answered my own, and it was curbside propeht, not sidewalk
  21. I know alot of you were having a great time in buffalo this weekend, but for the rest of us.....this weekend on austin city limits was a band fronted by a white guy playing guitar, singing a song and one of the recurring lyrics had something about a sidewalk prophet. Anyone know who it was? was it jason mraz? i liked the song, any one know? thanks in advance.
  22. seeing as how it is only game one, my whipping boy is eric moulds, a fumble and a STUPID illegal shift penalty. He is better than this!
  23. ya saw a good one, cept'n for the last minute or so. Glad to see TH, DB and the D play well(again, cept'n for the last minute or so). Time to shake off last week and get ready for the raiders game this weekend!
  24. Good One, I too hate that one! Knock on wood I have never had to be PENAL-ized but it has been close.
  25. no thats a good one, it forces pitchers to use up thier arm strength(no matter how minor it may be) rather than let them prolong thier outing, if they are gonna bail out on pitching to a barry bonds then by god make them use up some energy doing it.
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