This pathectic and embarrassing team shouldn`t even be on a professional football field.......The truth hurts but, we have a Weak,slow and undersized running back....a knife through butter o-line simple the worst in football......a reallygreen and not ready QB.........a badley coached and disappointing, confused defensive good receiver(Evans) the rest are undersized or to old and can`t get open and when they do they can`t catch the dam thing anyway,probably the worst set of receivers in football,just horrable.....and a very, very,VERY poor and uneducated coaching staff that would have trouble at the high school level.........and last an owner who sips soup for dinner and is more or less braindead! Bottom line is this whole organization is perfectly pathetic and nowhere near being even 500 for many,many,many years to come.....and Anybody who disagree`s with me doesn`t no anything about football and is simply an idiot.