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Everything posted by shagmago

  1. With our god awfull o-linemen and deer in headlights QB ,he would be our best player at that position.We need quality o-lineman on this lowly team,sometimes I don`t understand you people!
  2. RIGHT ON!........This team is definatly a rotton and spoiled product in recent years. If this team were a food on the grocery shelf, NO ONE would buy it.Its time to get some food on the shelf(GOOD FA`s) that WE KNOW will taste good. As long as fans show up to the games and Ralph saves his $, he doesn`t care!
  3. ............1 joe shmo per day=Rob Johnson!
  4. Do you have any more room for some left over FA`S?
  5. I think its enough for now, but Im sure I`ll add on to it weekly!
  6. If your happy with under cooked leftovers, thats your problem!.......and I guess its this organizations problem also. I hate leftovers!.......you reheat em up,and their still bad!..yuk!
  7. You have to have a list of guys who can prove they can play first.I guess were beyond ugly!...DAM!!
  8. You know that old saying don`t ya?........YOU SNOOZE,YOU LOSE!.....WELL?
  9. Just taken in the sounds of this "active"off season.
  10. Anybody with the name POPE will do........this team needs alot of praying for!
  11. Wrong!.we only need ten OLinemen.......and an experienced QB wouldn`t hurt!
  12. NEWS ALERT:.......That sky has already fallen (with last years pathetic players), its a matter of lifting it back off of us!
  13. Yea, Ralph`s being real active this year in FA.The only activity right now from him is Gettin up in the middle of the night to take a pee!
  14. Sounds about right.........Except,the division will be too tough and we beat the Jets once for only 1 win in the division.........on a up note our long snapper and punter will make the pro bowl again. ....WHOOOOOPIE! We won`t plug the dam untill we get deep pockets....and that AIN`T gonna happen anytime soon!........5-11 spinning wheel.
  15. ......and Mawea and S.Adams.The felons have a huge advantage in FA .every one wants to golf in Florida.
  16. Knowing the Bills poorest organization in the last 8 or so years, we`ll probably sign this guy, WOOP-DEE-DO!........Thats all we need another mediocre football player who will do us no good.........We have waaaaaaaay better needs then a tightend.People!...........WE DO NOT NEED A TIGHT END!!!!!!!!!
  17. Lets just ax everybody every year, save alot of "CAP" dollars and spin rubber till I DIE!!...............WEEEEEEEEEEERE DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMED! Anyone agree?
  18. Aaron Brooks once threw the ball backwards! .........for no apparent reason.
  19. TT ended his career in Miami..............I`ll never forgive him for that! F-HIM!
  20. Michael Robinson struggled??........I did see him get sacked twice,once was when D`brickshaw(GOD) WIFFED on his man AGAIN!...........Robinson was the only qb who did anything worth noting?...........I watched D`bickshaw the whole game nothin special, I think he`s WAY overated.
  21. Brian Moorman.......He`s our toughest,smartest and best athlete on the team.............................pretty sad, uh!
  22. We need to focus on a QUARTERBACK!!!......People, do you really think Loseman`s the MAN??...........Think hard here,he`s arrogant and cocky and can`t back it up,and his own players don`t care for him that much... the guys a poorman`s Jake Plummer?and a richman`s (injured)Rob Johnson......he`s probably going to be a third stringer his whole career at best........and I don`t want to hear about "he needs time to learn &grow"...thats bullsh!t........The organization screwed up by drafting him in the first round, they should swallow thier pride and put all their effort in finding someone thats capable.keep Holcmb and put an effort in finding a starter.......... eitherLoseman has what it takes or not,and we all saw what he has.........NOTHING!.........
  23. malarkey was a meathead, he tried hard, but he was just another poor chioce of coaches for the bills..........now that he went to miami I hate the guy just like Thurman Thomas.
  24. He is what he is.............a DICK!
  25. The only reason he got hired is because he was smart in class (Yale)and old Marv likes that!............. but he can`t coach.Plus we lack talent in every position anyway,which spells disaster next year. If we win 4 games next year it would be a fricken miracle(2-14)
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