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Everything posted by shagmago

  1. "HORRIBLE" Jay`s pee is really over flowing and stinkin up the joint, he`s embarrassing to watch, haven`t had this feeling about Bills qb since...well....RJ..its a God dam shame! JP=RJ
  2. You fail to mention my man,"George Wilson"he`s the best pass catcher on this team.Where would he fit in?
  3. Thanks for the tip!
  4. God forbid I miss calculate.Do I yell "F-O-R-E" after I beat my wife or be-F-O-R-E I cut off my jeans?
  5. pay $100 a game for a "guaranteed" bills win each week?
  6. Fair enough,don`t know about the "internet courage" stuff though, maybe its just a warning then..........or maybe "FOUR" is how many wins they will have this year.
  7. Didn`t mean to blow noses and spread tissues in here,but come on, do people really think the bills will beat alot of teams this year?Be honest! New coaches,new system, bad o-line,young inexperienced starter at QB,not a very good secondary,plus they have (pats&Dopes)away to start the season?"not good!"Thats a recipe for disaster in the NFL.I hope they don`t lose alot,but I expect them too.Who wouldn`t want to wake up each Monday knowing you have alot cash in your pocket?After watching the bills lose "ELEVEN"weeks last year(, Im gettin my moneys worth this year!.........Flame away!................FOUR!
  8. Golf 1:00-4:00pm. on Sundays with $ in my pocket and a smile on my face........I drive (the ball)over the bridges on the course, not off them.
  9. Yea, only one fumble and one int. in 35 mins. of football.Thats about as good as he`s gonna get Im afraid.
  10. We all know the Bills are gonna suck really bad this year,I don`t see any signs to indicate anything else especially without a professional QB again. So heres my plan, start off by laying down a $100 against the bills spread each week (esp.away games) and go golfing from 1-4pm.Crappy golf or not, you come home knowing your a hundered bucks richer every week (increase $ by 200 or even 300 as the bills get worse) and a nice free summer cruise vacation in 2007 is right around the corner.. See ya in Cancun!.............FOUR!!!
  11. Bret Farves back up, son........He probably knows more about NFL quarterbacking then those other two boneheaded Knuckleheads (rj&Bledsoe lookalikes)put together!
  12. NOW, YOUR TALKIN!....He should of started tonight..he`s probably going to be rusty, but still better then them other two nutsacks!
  13. BLEDSLOW OR JAY`S PEE?........I say Bleedslow only because j`s pee will be benched by the jets game..Me tinks so!
  14. Believe me its time to sit (Jays pee) its stinkin up the joint!.
  15. JP will=RJ, you can Take that to the bank bro!.What we need is NALL to step it up and win this job,period!
  16. "IMPLOSION TIME" for the bils again........just a continueation of the 2005 season..............LOSMAN SUCKS DONKEY POO POO! AND SO DOES THE O-LINE AGAIN!.The sky just fell!
  17. I think he`s right, Did you see how well our offensive line performed?.Its still THEE worst in the league by far for the 7th year in a row. Those big dumb goofballs couldn`t block a fat lady from going into pizza hut! The sky will fall again this year "real" early. Word to the wise "don`t get your hopes up to far this year............With absolutly no proven talent on offense, and our best players are the FG kicker and the punter "We`ll be lucky to duplicate last years record.........Sorry folks
  18. Amen!.....who ever thinks we should be ranked any lower is an idiot.For gods sake what have we proved in the last couple years.........NOTHING!
  19. First he has to gain about 30 lbs and lift more wieghts, then he`ll be a real running back and get into the endzone more.No chills for me untill that happens.Im sick of one guy tackeling him all the time........he`s WEAK, and a dime dozen in this league untill he gains wieght and gets stronger.
  20. He must of been watching last years pathetic team.Imagine that to make that prediction!..................what a moron!
  21. ..Unfortunatly the next year came and his toughness went away!
  22. He`s just another no name guy the bills signed in hopes of being 8-8 this year, which is our goal since theirs NO talent on this team at all.......news flash:...3-13..1-6 start!.take it to the bank!..........
  23. Thurman left football a Miami Dolphin...........F-HIM!
  24. We`ll see what happens when we open up at 0-3 this season.
  25. I meant f-in BA$TARD but that would be a bad word.
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