Rude died of heart failure from a GHB overdose
Bossman- heart attack he was a big guy so I dont know if it was drugs.
Kerry Von Erich died from suicide, from fearing going to jail for violating his prohbation for cocaine posession. Self inflicted gun shot wound .44 caliber to the chest at his fathers ranch. The gun was a christmas present to his father the year prior to his death.
Mike von erich- On April 12, 1987, he left a suicide note for his family, wrapped himself in a sleeping bag, then committed suicide by overdosing on the tranquilizer Placidyl. He was 23 years old.
Chris Von Erich- Frustrated and depressed over the deaths of his brothers (Mike in particular, whom he idolized) along with his inability to excel in the wrestling business, Chris shot himself in the head on September 12, 1991 at the age of 21
Owen Hart- freak accident during a stunt at a ppv.
Andre the giant- build up of fluid in his chest leading to congestive heart failure. Little known Andre Factoid: Was offered an NFL contract by the Washington Redskins in 1974. Turned it down, reason because he could make more money in pro wrestling.
Mr. Perfect- Cocaine overdose
Elizabeth- Drug overdose