That is seriously disturbing. Guy's been a starting center for several years, and been around the league for awhile. That is disheartening to hear. Yes he doesn't anchor well, and he's not a good inline run blocker. You would think, a pro athlete would have some damn pride in his job. Disgusting
I've been saying that last years 56-10 shellacking by ne was the most disgusting bills loss I've ever seen. For the total non effort aspect. This almost may be worse
We suck pretty hard, but so do the pats. This game shouldn't even be close. We can't pass or run the ball, we can't stop the pass, or get a push from our dline. Yet it's 10-3, mostly because Jauron got gutless. Frustrating crap
I wanna know why we're running outside runs against a 3-4 defense on 3rd and goal from the 5. You either run it up the middle, or just pass the ball. Running outside against a 3-4 in small spaces doesn't end well.
If I was on the team I'd probably be a better pass rusher. I'm quicker then kelsay or denney.
It's a glaring need that I've been praying would be addressed for years. Oh well just live out the rest of the season, and hope for the best.
1. Bret "Hitman" Hart. - From the Hart foundation days. To the 1st ladder matches with Shawn Michales. To being the guy who was responsible for making Stone Cold Steve Austin's career. to the Montreal Screw Job. To the disgrace of his wcw run. The Best there is. The Best there was, and the best there ever will be. PERIOD!
2. Jake "The Snake" Roberts.- It's a true shame what happened to this guy's personell life. Nobody in the history of wrestling was better at promos. Awesome face and heel
3. Mr. Perfect. Also great on the mic. was fun to watch in the ring as well. The mr. perfect montage still reamins a classic. Simply Perfect.
4. Macho Man Randy Savage- the guy that got me into watching wrestling as a kid. Followed his career from the early 90's- thru his final wcw run.
5. The Undertaker- He's the friggen Undertaker and he owned.