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Everything posted by MartyBall4Buffalo

  1. I think JP Losman looks like Keanu Reeves character from the replacements. Hopefully he turns out half as good as Shane Falco and hopefully his biggest win will come against dallas in the superbowl
  2. from what I understand. Could be good depth who could step in and start. Seems to have football smarts ala another ross tucker type player who could play numerous positions on the oline. Nothing wrong with having good depth who knows if he is projected to start he could turn out pretty good. In MOUSE MCNALLY I TRUST
  3. I'm feelin dandy with the signing of Gandy. He could turn out to be quite handy
  4. Can anyone tell me about mike gandy? I know nothing about him. Will he play lg.... is he destined to be camp fodder?!?! Is he an upgrade over ross tucker or strictly depth?!?! Any insight would be most welcomed. P.S- It's good to sign someone on the oline even if I know nothing about them. Even depth to the line is most welcomed
  5. Maybe I'm reading too much into this, and maybe this was posted in another thread if so sorry. I'm too lazy to search so yeah... "Everyone knows I'm coming into a great situation," he said. "We have a stellar defense. We have receivers that are out of this world. We've got a running back that's amazing, and a line that - they've just got so much heart and they're ready to go out and do it." Obviousily he's giving a great deal of respect to our defense, moulds, evans, mcgahee. Maybe it's just the way it was written but to me it seems by that quote Losman is worried about the oline and doesn't think too much of it. Whether it's through free agency or the draft or both we need to improve the line. We're dangerously thin on starters and depth. Infact I believe our only depth is dylan mcfarland/Lawrence smith and jason peters. I know this has been beaten to death but the oline has been ignored for far too long and I for one want to see the bills put losman in the best possible position to succeed, and just don't see that happining behind our current remaining linemen. We're weak in the interior especially c/lg, and a gaping whole at lt. I guess in donahoe and mcnally I trust. I'm hoping for the best
  6. An Ugly stick isn't the word. More Like she fell down the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down than got tangled in the vines and choked till her face blew up like a melon leaving her with no neck and a balloon head. WOOF!!
  7. Yes because all offensive lines improve when you have a 2nd year qb starting for the 1st time I know what your hinting at cause of losmans mobility the line is "improved" It's a nice little deception though when you look at the amount of times mobile qb's are sacked per pass attempt. Anyway forget about the pass protection stuff. If I'm not mistaken willis mcgahee led the league in runs for 0 and negative yards last year. That tells me the interior of our line gets no push on the run game and where is that weak spot. Imo The c-lg positions. Most of our big runs and sometimes the only time we get big runs is on the right side of the line. When a team gets smart and stacks that side our run game falters. LG and C are positions we need improvement on. Especially in the running game. I think their pass protection up the middle will be fine especially with the ability of willis to pick up a blitz, but we need road graders who can move a pile and we can able to open up the run game a little bit more. Get bigger chunks of yardage and less negative plays. Losing Jennings is an unfortunate thing but it just gives us another challenge. Move Mike williams to LT, grab a kendrick vincent, move tucker to center(I believe he's overall better suited than teague and smarter at calling the correct line adjustments on the fly) maybe grab a stockar mcdougal or porkchop womack(as I believe they'd be cheaper than a kareem mckenzie) pick up jerome pathon the prototypical #3 wr, and freddie jones and we'd have the making of a pretty good offense. Than we can go into The draft. Grab ourselves a Kevin Burnett or Barret rudd or both if we could so if we have to we than have ourselves two capable lb's to take the place of fletcher/posey if we lose them to free agency next year . Also a safety a donte nicholson to groom for a year under an aging lawyer milloy. More oline depth and a dt to add depth and or a eventual sucessor to sam adams
  8. This is quite possibly the funniest trade rumor I've heard in awhile. Henry/Spikes for C- Wood/2nd rd pick. and lmao@ the one raider fan who said "it's debatable if they can find a lb as good as spikes or better with their 2nd rd pick" lmao This was great. I got one for the raiders Rian Lindell and a 7th for Drunken Janikowski and Teyo Johnson
  9. I'd like to get a te. We're not gonna get a "stud te" but going after a freddie jones or marcus pollard would be a definite upgrade over our current crop of te's. I don't consider jones or pollard "studs" anymore as I believe their best days are behind them but they can still be very productive. As for 3rd wr I'd like david patten, if not him I believe our 3rd wr is already on our roster and by the middle of the season Johanathan smith will emerge as our #3 wr. Not really based on anything just an opinion. I kind of given up on Josh reed, and sam aiken well I think he has the size and potential to be good, he just has to translate that to hands and route running.
  10. Heres the thing now that I ask. Should our concentration be on bringing in offensive help or stacking our defense for the future. Personally in the afc east and todays nfl I'd rather be a defensive oriented team. so I state the following 1. I know theres gonna be people who say let lawyer milloy walk... so I pose this question who do we replace him with? Coy Wire... god I hope not.... Pierson Prioleau... A better option than wire but will probably be cut to save cap space. Rashad Baker isn't a ss he's a fs. If we can't find a suitable placement for milloy we have to resign him. 2. Resign Nate clements. this is a priority #1 right now as far as I'm concernd. He's quickly becoming imo the most balanced cb in the nfl and a top 5 overall. 3. Find out what kind of lb depth we have. While I don't want to lose fletcher we can afford to lose jeff posey. If we can find that haggan and yes go ahead and laugh now Josh Stammer can step in and be starters it's time to cut loose with fletcher/posey. 4. Sam Adams- the most important position on the defense. i don't know if we can afford to lose sam adams, but lets get anderson some more playing time. I think this year we find out what edwards has, and we also see what anderson is made of. Either way adams is up there in age, so depth is needed. 5. De- WE NEED A TRUE DE. Enough of these high motor guys. We need a real consistent pass rusher, I don't care how we get him but we need one. Basically this season now we have no choice but to find out what our defensive depth is made of and this might even change donahoes draft philosophy. I don't want us to become an offensive oriented team that style of play doesn't win championships. While The colts/chiefs/vikings are fun teams to watch run up the score they're not winning championships. Defensive depth and finding out who on the bench can be a future starter next year.
  11. How about Kevin Carter? I know he's up there in age, but He's better than ron edwards, can also play some de in nickle and dime packages, and would give us better depth than just going with adams/edwards/anderson/bannan. I'm not advocating we let williams walk and bring in carter, just looking at a potential option as if williams asks for too much I think we can get carter relativly cheap. and would prefer him over chris hovan anyday.
  12. Maybe it's just me and maybe this is a pipe dream but I'd love for the bills to make the superbowl and have it be buffalo vs dallas Losman vs Bledsoe, and to beat Them like a drum. I was a big bledsoe supporter but I just can't support the guy anymore. Maybe after his career is over but I can't bring myself to even remotly appreciate players from Americas Criminals.
  13. there was a story about this on access hollywood today. That the FBI is looking into this as an idenity theft case. the people who did this are probably in deep sh--, it's legit and funny as hell though. If anyone deserves some heckling it's Paris Hilton. That girls never had a day of hardship in her life.
  14. I'd rather not cut pierson prioleau. I know he's making 1mil + as a backup safety but quite frankly should lawyer milloy get injured which isn't out of the question I'd feel much better with pierson back there than coy wire regardless of his salary. Prioleau is also a very good st player and has been good in blitz packages in nickle and dime defenses. Now for your draft. I like it but.... Mcfaddens is probably going in the 1st rd. To the colts or steelers or possibly the pats. Spencer is a good pick. I don't know anything about elison. Everett in rd 5. Well if your picking up freddie jones in free agency that would leave us with jones/campbell/euhus/neufeld/everett. theres no need for 5 te's I'd replace everett with a safety in rd 5. Maybe a James Butler from Georgia Tech. Eric Shelton would be an absolute steal in the 6th rd. a 6'3 250lb hb who runs a 4.50 40. I love the idea of a 1/2 punch of mcgahee/shelton. Since we are gonna be running a lot this year I image. I really would love to see shelton wearing a bills uni wearing down teams with mcgahee/shelton. I'd still rather get a de in free agency. a solid pass rushing de who can consistently get after the quaterback is something our defense lacks. I'm hoping the saints don't tag darren howard and we can make a run at him. I like the tyler king pick though
  15. The sooner a team realizes not to make it about a qb when beating ne, and make it about the "TEAM" the sooner someone will actually beat ne. However if you're throwing all your hopes on a QB being the reason you beat the pats prepare to be severly dissapointed. To Beat the pats you need a total team effort. Nothing more. Nothing less.
  16. The Buckhalter rumor is probably speculation although I'm definitly not opposed to that. Problem is that guy never seems to stay healthy, but if he could defintily would not be opposed to that at all. About Bledsoe I think he requested not to be traded instead released so he could explore other options to see what kind of offers he gets.
  17. 2004 tam | 11 | 233 336 69.3 2632 7.8 20 12 Theres rumors that the bucs will part ways with griese rather than paying him a 6 million dollar roster bonus if the two sides can't reach a deal on a restructered contract. He played pretty well for tampa this year. A team with a horrible offensive line and not a real threat of a running game. I personally don't like griese, but he played well this past season and to me is a better option than malcontent noodle armed jeff garcia or jay fiedler. Just another name to throw out there for a possible vet backup and starter if jp falters
  18. With all the talk about a backup for JP I see people talking about bringing in a similar style qb to "fit the system" I don't necessarily agree with this as one quick look around the league would seem the opposite is true. Atl Qb- Mike Vick Backup- Matt Schaub Philly Qb- Donovan Mcnabb Backup- Ty Detemer or maybe koy I forget which detmer Detroit qb- Joey Harrington backup- Mike McMahon Ne qb- Tom Brady backup- Rohan Davey Minn qb- Daunte Culpepper backup- gus frerotte I was one of the people hoping that bledsoe wouldn't be realeased as I felt our best shot at the playoffs was with drew, however it is time to hand the reigns over to the kid. It got me thinking about backups. What type of qb do we want JP to be? A Caretaker right? So I had an idea. What about bringing in the perfect caretaker qb who can show JP how to be unselfish an truly play within a system. That qbs name Trent Dilfer.
  19. David Patten. too me he seems the best option available. He's got reliable hands he's capable of stepping into a higher role if a top 2 wr got hurt as evidenced this season as he put up 800 yards and 7 tds with branch out. Or I'd look through the draft to fill the void maybe a chris henry, roscoe parrish(small but lightning fast and reliable hands, and hell deion branch is small too) or a terrance murphy, chraphonzo thorpe. Either way through free agency or the draft. We're not ok at wr outside of moulds evans, reed aiken fast freddie wouldn't sniff the field on most nfl teams
  20. I think he's saying JP losman has an effeminate voice
  21. Granted The Bledsoe thing didn't work out. However I feel the Milloy pickup was huge for our defense and despite being hurt was one of the main reasons in our defenes improvement when he came back later in the season. Early in the year we we're getting beaten with the deep ball. When Milloy came back this wasn't the case. He brings us stability at the safety position About Patten. He'd be a huge upgrade over any of the wr's we currently have on our roster not named eric moulds or lee evans. I see no reason why we wouldn't want to bring in a true #3 wr threat who can solidify our wr corps and step up into the #2 role should moulds or evans get hurt.
  22. You mean the actual players on the bills don't necessarily agree with people on here that JPL is an automatic upgrade over Bledsoe?!?! We'll I'll be damned In all seriousness though we have to move in a new direction eventually. I hope Losman is it. He doesn't strike me as some kid thats too arrogant. He seems to know his role and hopefully we'll get the best he has to give. I honestly don't expect too much, but with some upgrades to the oline and brining in a te like a freddie jones or bubba franks and a #2 back to give mcgahee a blow from time to time I think we can make a push at the playoffs. Right now however I think with losman as starter we finish somewhere between 5-11 8-8
  23. Yeah I think he'll end up early-mid 3rd but I also think if he's available in the 3rd we should take a long look at him assuming of course we fill some needs like oline in free agency. If Not Campbell I'd also like Stefan Lefors or a Derek Anderson from Oregon State 6'6 240, but I think if Bledsoe is gone regardless of whether or not we bring in some vet to sit on bench we need to draft a vet, as a #2 option for our future if losman flops which I hope he doesn't
  24. If We're gonna go the route of drafting a qb I'd look no further than Jason Campbell of Auburn 6'5 223 4.7 40. article on campbell http://www.footballsfuture.com/2005/prospe...n_campbell.html Jason Campbell came in to Auburn with big time high school accolades. He was up and down throughout his career, but he ended his career becoming one of the best QB’s in school history. His 4-year totals include 7,110 yards for 44 touchdowns and 23 interceptions, and a 63% completion percentage, while rushing for 9 touchdowns. His career completion percentage is tops in the schools history. In 2003, Campbell received the Pat Dye Leadership Award from the Auburn coaches for this leadership he displayed in spring ball. He also won MVP of the 2003 Music City Bowl. Jason Campbell has a great package of skills at the QB position. He’s got good size, he’s athletic, he’s got a very good arm, and he’s a leader. Once he finally got a chance to stick with the same coordinator during his senior season, he really displayed the consistency he needed to show for the next level, leading Auburn to a SEC title, and an undefeated regular season. There isn’t anything physically Campbell lacks. Up until his senior season, he was really up and down throughout his career. Campbell still hasn’t shown the ability to put his team on his back and carry them. He’s had an awesome run game to balance things out during his stay at Auburn, so just how much of the load he can shoulder is in question. Jason Campbell has very good upside at the next level. He has the skills, the work ethic, and the leadership ability. If he gets with the right coach to develop him early at the NFL level, Campbell could develop into a very good NFL QB. Campbell is the type that could really move up in workouts, but on the field, Campbell looks like a very good developmental prospect, and should go somewhere around Round 4. If JP Losman doesn't pan out I think Jason Campbell is a guy who can be a future star in the nfl and lead us to where we want to go. He's got the size, mobility, the arm, the leadership ability he just has to fine tune some of his mechanics to the pro game.
  25. Patten barely plays? List of afc east wr's by teams- (TE'S not included) NE Wr's- David Patten-2004 New England 16 44 800 50.0 18.2 48 3.3 37 7 David Givens- 2004 New England 15 56 874 58.3 15.6 50 3.3 47 3 Deion Branch- 2004 New England 9 35 454 50.4 13.0 26 4.1 27 4 branch is obviousily their best wr as far as route running and speed are concerned, but to say Patten barely plays when he put up 800 yards and 7 tds. I'd like to know what he did if he actually played? P.S He's scheduled to be and UFA. He'd look great in a bills uni. Git Er done Tom NYJ Wr's Santana Moss- 2004 NY Jets 15 45 838 55.9 18.6 69 5.4 35 5 Justin McCareins- 2004 NY Jets 16 56 770 48.1 13.8 43 2.4 43 4 Dolphins Wr's Chris Chambers-2004 Miami 15 69 898 59.9 13.0 76 4.2 45 7 Derrius Thompson-2004 Miami 16 23 359 22.4 15.6 36 3.3 18 4 Bills Wr's Eric Moulds- 2004 Buffalo 16 88 1043 65.2 11.9 49 3.8 53 5 Lee Evans- 2004 Buffalo 16 48 843 52.7 17.6 69 4.1 38 9 2004 Stastics of wr's in the afc east TD Leader- Lee Evans 9tds catches- Eric Moulds 88 yards- eric moulds 1043 catches for 1st downs- eric moulds 53 yards per game- Eric Moulds 65.2 ypc- Santana Moss 18.6 Patten 2nd at 18.2(Just driving home that Patten barely plays remark ) Yac- Santana Moss- 5.4 How I'd rank the top afc east receivers 1. Eric Moulds 2. Santana Moss 3. Chris Chambers 4. Deion Branch 5. David Patten 6. David Givens 7. Lee Evans (He'll move up after another successful year. I love the kid though) 8. Justin Mccerains So Yes imo moulds is the best wr in the afc east.
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