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Wham Rocks

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Everything posted by Wham Rocks

  1. George W. Bush just lost my vote! I'm pulling the lever for Alan Keyes because he understands the true threat posed by "selfish hedonism" on American society!
  2. What a dummy, he doesn't support the commander in chief. Eminem is whacked
  3. All true Republican Christians must take a stand against socialist heathen, Michael Moore. True Christians!
  4. Saddam didn't have WMD? Saddam didn't have connections to al Qaeda? LOL! Yeah right! He had 'em both regardless of what the liberal media tells us. Saddam was going to be the next Hitler, but luckily George W. Bush had the foresight to take him down!
  5. Don't worry about a tie. Bush has it in the bag by 4% of the popular vote nationwide and he'll nail Florida and Ohio putting him ahead comfortably in the electoral college.
  6. Bush doesn't contradict and abandon historically conservative principles, he just modifies outdated ones to form a beautiful, new hybrid of conservatism that everyone can enjoy. Its kind of like the tenth Friday the 13th where Jason gets a genetic upgrade... in space. Its not different, its just better. Consider some outdated silly conservative values like "states' rights" or "non-interventionism" or "fiscal restraint." Talk about out of style. For example, check out Iraq. Normally conservatives would be all like "oh gross, nation building is for stupid-heads" or "oh gross, being the world police is for lamoids" but Bush was like "whatever" and adopted Iraq as the 51st state. Nation building used to be lame but now its cool. That's not a contradiction, that's a modification. Same can be said for states' rights. States' rights are so 20th century. When the state of Oregon passed legislation to approve assisted suicide, John Ashcroft stepped in and was like "sike idiots, you can't do that." So Oregon held a statewide vote and it passed again but did that stop John Aschroft? Heck no! States are like small, stupid children that need a strong, overbearing Russian mother to keep them in line by stripping all autonomy. Luckily God appointed John Ashcroft attorney general. But the best reason states' rights suck is because some states actually treat gays like equal citizens. Friggin' liberal activist judges. If we allow gays to marry in one state, it will spread like a cancer and undo the very fabric that holds society together. Antonin Scalia put it best with his slippery slope argument. If gays marry, then husbands will divorce wives, wives will fornicate with animals, and children will smoke cigarettes. As for the budget deficit, who cares. Spending money is fun. Liberals are so poor and cheap, they have no idea what its like to spend a lot of money, that's the only reason they're mad at the president for being a big spender. They're jealous.
  7. ***RJ vs DB*** Who's prettier in a bandana? RJ Who's cooler? DB (parenting with dignity is totally radical!) Closer replica of George Michael? RJ Put more points on the board? RJ Took less sacks? Tie Better hot tub photos? RJ RJ = decisive winner!
  8. I hope JP is ready to ditch the swaddling clouts and become a big boy real fast.
  9. If I were Ralph Wilson I'd give Drew Bledsoe an extention and a pay raise because he's the only good player on offense! Its just that the rest of the team is dragging him down. I mean, how can anyone be expected to win games with stiffs like Eric Moulds, Willis McGahee, Lee Evans, Travis Henry, Jonas Jennings, and Mark Campbell? Sheesh, get Bledsoe some friggin' weapons already!
  10. Drew Bledsoe is infallible! Death to all who dare question our hallowed QB. Its not that Bledsoe is a loser, its that everyone else on offense is a loser. Duh.
  11. Michael Moore is a snake and a liar! Death to all liberals!
  12. It figures that liberals would object to demeaning Jon Stewart! They all love their jewish God of anti-Americanism! God Bless Travis Tritt, Alan Jackson, and all the real Americans. Freedom ain't free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. The sooner you realize our benevolent president is the second coming of Jesus the better! John Kerry, that satanic pig, wants to ban the bible and validate sodomy if elected! You're either with righteousness or against it!
  14. Leave it to anti-God, anti-moral liberals to ignore the righteous common folk of West Virginia. That's what happens when Demoncrats elect Satan worshipping hairpieces like John Scary.
  15. Sheesh, talk about a stupid lib that hates America. And how can you disagree with someone as handsome as Tucker Carlson??? http://www.ifilm.com/media/getmetafile.asx...or|adskid:28747
  16. All the hottest babes are liberal hating, God fearing Republicans. Yes sir! I'm not sure what's sexier, their disdain of so-called liberal "values" or their hot asses. You be the judge. http://www.jerseygop.com/R_babes/
  17. Bill O'Reilly is incapable of lying. He's like an omnipresent deity with an infallible aura of no spin; some might call it a "no spin zone" that constantly surrounds and protects him from vile slander. Just because some shameless propaganda whore (Andrea Mackris) is looking to cash in on his large fortune, symmetric good looks, and steamy Caribbean fantasies doesn't mean he's guilty. Last time I checked this is the USA and honorable men like Bill O'Reilly are innocent until proven guilty. So he made a couple suggestive comments on tape, blah blah blah. Bill O'Rielly likes threesomes? http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/1013043mackris9.html Bill O'Reilly likes Caribbean showers? http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/1013043mackris16.html Bill O'Reilly is conservative, Godly, Republican, and unstoppable. Andrea Mackris is going down.
  18. What a shameless example of liberal propaganda! Sure George W. Bush said... “The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him.” (September 13, 2001) “I don’t know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don’t care. It’s not that important. It’s not our priority.” (March 13, 2002) But who cares? Saddam Hussien attacked us on 9-11, you friggin' dummy! Get a clue before you post.
  19. Hail victory in the name of Comrade Kerry! If these bourgeious firebrands didn't want the urine of victory on their treasonous sign, they wouldn't have put it there in the first place. By the way, these glorious freedom fighters will be pardoned once Kerry is elected secretary general of the people.
  20. Look, all these countries are the same thing. Who cares if our glorious president attacked them out of order? And who can separate all those weird names? Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan... its all the friggin' same. As long as the bombs land somewhere in the middle east region, we're attackin' the right place. You'll hear bleeding hearts talk about muslims like they're not all the same. Like, "dur, I'm a stupid liberal and I believe there are peace loving muslims of various sects of Islam and they can't just be carelessly lumped together." LOL! Maybe if muslims stopped worshipping a demon possessed pedofile (Muhammed) and accepted Christ, we'd give their heathen beliefs a chance! Pick up a bible, dummies! Which reminds me of another thing. I was watching c-span (total mistake) and a caller said the president is incapable of speaking "extemporaneously." LOL! I watch NASCAR and I drink moonshine, I don't have time to learn about words like "extemporaneously." Get a friggin' life, liberals.
  21. Comrade Moore is redistributing his wealth via ramen and underwear, which is very becoming a man of the people. Sieg Heil, Comrade Moore!
  22. Participation by the offensive line would be appreciated.
  23. Geez, Buckner's Glove... You will speak of Rush Limbaugh with humble respect or you can get a life right now! Sure he goes thru wives like toilet paper yet lectures about the moral fabric of society. Sure he said of drug users "lock 'em up and throw away the key" yet abuses a form of herion. Sure he said the poor are like pigs suckling off the mother pig yet spent nearly a year living off unemployment. Sure he said the right to privacy is non-existent yet argues he has a right to privacy once the government demanded to inspect his medical records. Sure he hates slimey trial lawyers yet hired slimey trial lawyer numero uno, Roy Black, for his drug scandal. But all those examples are just paradoxical coincidence, not blatant hypocrisy. Get a friggin' life, friggin' liberal scum...
  24. "Contradicting the main argument for a war that has cost more than 1,000 American lives, the top U.S. arms inspector reported Wednesday that he found no evidence that Iraq produced any weapons of mass destruction after 1991. He also concluded that Saddam Hussein's weapons capability weakened during a dozen years of U.N. sanctions before the U.S. invasion last year." Scott Ritter, Hans Blix, David Kay, and now James Duelfer? Geez, talk about jumping on the "no WMDs in Iraq" bandwagon. Why not just totally stab our glorious president in the back while the slavering islamo-terrorist hordes are at our doorstep! Friggin' liberal media and their friggin' liberal lies. Everyone knows Iraq had WMD! WMDs have already been found like a million gazillion times in Iraq. Neal Boortz, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity say so everyday. Get a friggin' radio, poor-ass liberals!
  25. I think the poll is broken. I didn't see Wham anywhere.
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