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Wham Rocks

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Everything posted by Wham Rocks

  1. You guys are getting way too carried away with all this jibber jabber about the technicalities of evil-ution. Everyone knows that life started with a talking serpent and a forbidden, magical tree, not a bunch of friggin' molecules and atoms and stuff. The fact that people don't believe in something as sensible as talking snakes makes me so mad!!!
  2. Gosh darn right! There are pointy headed evil-ution lovers that say, "Get a life, the missing links are austropithecines such as ramidus and afarensis, as well as homo habilus and homo erectus" but they don't have a clue what they're talking about because where are the links BETWEEN those links?
  3. I only research the Bible, God's inspired word.
  4. And look what happened! Miscengeny, that's what! And if you ever read the Tower of Babel, you'd know that God separated mankind to various regions and by various races for a reason. Its God's holy will.
  5. The typical Jet fan--some drunk guy named Nick in a dirty shirt. I'm not surprised they're upset with Chad Pennington. They're stupid.
  6. Umm... sike. Jesus was perfect, he didn't fornicate like a lowly human.
  7. I don't know what that means but I bet its funny.
  8. I hope you're joking because druidism would be bad for America. Have you ever seen a druid? They are usually homosexual, they definately never shower, and its rumored they dance on the ashes of dead babies for fun.
  9. What a let down... Donald Rumsfeld for king.
  10. In the small, Godly town of Grantsburg, Wisconsin, the local school board has decided to include creationism in science class. Joseph Donovan, the spokesman for the department of public instruction insists that the new rule is perfectly legal. "It is important to note that school districts are allowed to create their own curricular standards, and district standards do not need to be consistent with the state model academic standards." I hope activist liberal judges keep their grubby hands off this decision so children can finally learn the truth about their origins in public school. Its about time someone had the good sense to deflate the silly theory of evolution since it advocates that we all "evolved" from some primordial puddle of goo. LOL, its just so silly. Creationism
  11. The problem with Muslims is that they are stupid and laud a demon possessed pedofile as a prophet. We need to invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them all to Christianity just like Ann Coulter says. But nooooo, that's "offensive" to pointy headed liberals who think Islam is a religion of peace.
  12. OMG way to downplay the severity of the homosexual mafia. The other day I had my Bush/Cheney poster ripped down by a bunch of tree hugging lesbian druids. Their numbers may seem marginal now, but they recruit more of our Godly children everyday with their diet sodas and their music television. A separation of gay and state is not only smart, but also essential.
  13. Uh it sounds like you don't realize that JESUS invented the internet, not that heathen scumbag Al Gore. Jesus is everywhere, that's why he's omnipotent and omnipresent. LOL you got owned.
  14. It sounds like you've read this but are still undecided between Jesus and ninjas. Its an easy choice if you ask me. One is the glorious savior of mankind (lol besides George W. Bush who's probably Jesus' distant cousin) and the other are a bunch of wussy ninjas.
  15. OMG that would rule.
  16. I found a sweet webpage about how awesome Jesus is, except I think the guy who wrote it may be a sarcastic, stupid non-Christian in disguise. He still makes some good points about how awesome Jesus is even if he is being incredulous. Jesus rocks!
  17. The only righteous thing to do is join the Army of God! We must stop the baby killing abortionists before there are no children left!
  18. Warning: Florida is conservative, Godly, republican and unstoppable. To your liberal chagrin, Florida is God's country and you can't do anything about it! Onward Christian soldiers marching as to war!!!
  19. Arafat is almost as crappy as a big sack of liberals and I hate him.
  20. There is no good reason! John Kerry is a flip flopper! Even that anti-American, Ted Rall, admits it!!!
  21. Cons = healthy FEAR of God and general LOATHING of stinkin' libs. Florida is the next Texas so just get friggin' used to it already.
  22. I can't believe my favorite station, FOX News, stabbed their conservative brother right in the friggin' back. Demoncrats are all crooked, its a fact. I can't believe the liberal media continues to hijack truth and justice and the American way!
  23. That's a liberal media lie! George Michael was handing out soup to hungry orphans when the supposed "masterbation" incident took place! You see, the liberal media likes to take down anyone with a shred of dignity so they concoct smear campaigns against rigtheous, godly men of honor like George Michael. Its high time we fought back. Landover Baptists Unite!
  24. I voted for Michael A. Peroutka of the Constitution Party! He's the only answer to the filthy cesspool of liberalism shrouding the USA in darkness.
  25. First of all, you said this was interesting. Its not. Second of all, conspiracy theories are for dummy liberals. Saddam attacked the Pentagon that day, have you already forgotten 9-11?
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