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Everything posted by Wham Rocks
You know how people played that stupid MMO-RPG game Ultima Online to the point where it consumed them whole? Well there's a new game out that's going to make them need a change of underpants. Watch this trailer and tell me not having a girlfriend and living in your mom's basement isn't totally worth it if you get to squeeze in a few hours of this game after a long day at Wendy's. You know you like it.
Why stop with assault rifles? The 2nd amendment refers to the right to "bear arms" which at the time meant to own whatever weapons were technologically availble. What's wrong with citizens owning nukes? I certainly don't see a problem. That's what I love about America. You can walk down the street with a fully loaded mahine guy but you can't see boobs on TV.
Self-described Christian conservatives on the Texas Board of Education are "rephrasing" health textbooks to reconcile them with their religious social agenda. The wonderful thing about the religious right is that when something contradicts their fragile grip on reality, they want it erased so they can continue their glorious march of proselytization. Here are a few examples of changes either proposed or actually enforced by the Christian conservatives in Texas. *Any reference to "partners" is actually secret code for homosexual partners and must be converted to "husbands and wives". Public schools can't tolerate words in textbooks that suggest partnerships exist outside of holy matrimony... for the children's sake. *Any reference to "marriage" must be defined as "a lifelong union between a husband and a wife". The Christian version of marriage is under attack by evil liberals in Massachussets who actually treat gays like equal citizens... and that sends kids the wrong message. *Anyone who found a playboy around age 11 knows that adolescence brings about a change in attitude about sexuality. However, textbooks are not allowed to say adolescence brings about an "attraction to others" anymore, they must specifically say "attraction to the opposite sex" because clearly, gay youth don't exist. *And to acquiese the needs of creationists, textbooks cannot say the last ice age took place "millions of years ago" because the earth is only 6,000-10,000 years old like Genesis stipulates. Duh, everyone knows earth started with a magical tree and a talking snake. Scientists are so stupid for questioning that. The downside is that textbook publishers are unwilling to create two simultaneous editions for sane states versus insane states, so when religious pscyho-babble is injected into textbooks, everyone loses. Why burn the books when you can just rewrite them? WWJD?
Doesn't matter. The only significant correlation between education and success is socioeconomic background. Not class size, not school choice, etc. If the parents give a rats ass about education, chances are their children will too. Since children that are home-schooled or attend private school usually come from better socioeconomic backgrounds, their grades tend to reflect that fact. Regardless, there isn't much of a difference between the median college bound student from a public or private school, suggesting that both recieve a similar education. Children from the right background have a higher chance of succeeding in any environment. Public schools aren't necessarily worse, they are just burdened with more children that don't give a damn which reflects poorly on the school. Think back to high school, remember how many kids didn't want to be there in the first place? If they could just drop out and dig ditches for the rest of their life, public schools would get much higher ratings.
No way! Southerners are hilarious, man. I made fun of Dale Earnhardt's death so hard a couple years ago, that I actually made a Wal-Mart employee cry at her counter. And I often explain to people around here that General Sherman and Nat Turner are my heroes. Since even the smartest rednecks in the south are mildly retarded, they have no idea who I'm talking about.
Congress Raises the Debt Ceiling...
Wham Rocks replied to Alaska Darin's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
LOL! Like lemmings off a cliff. Good stuff. -
For simplicity, political issues are usually neatly divided down fiscal and social lines. For real.
No, people in blue states are retards too. But the religious right is by far the most dangerous faction in America. Liberals invade your pocket book, but at least they stay out of your personal life.
LOL! Kill 'em all and let God sort 'em out, right BF1?
LOL! It always amuses me that the "deep south" is considered the heart and soul of America, symbolic of morality and patriotism. For one, the south is the only part of the country to actually commit treason and secede from the US. Ironic that southerners should get touted as super-Americans when even today, many politicians win seats in the south on promises to fly the confederate flag in public. Secondly, the morality charade is what it is. A charade. The deep south tends to have more divorce, more children out of wedlock, and tends to offer less support to needy children. But they sure do hate them god-awful queers like the dickins. That's why political jargon about "morals" and "families" appeal to the south, because there's a severe shortage. Oh, and Southern Baptists are the fattest people in the country. That has nothing to do with morality or patriotism, but I like pointing it out anyway. The Bible Belt as well as the rest of the religious right have done a swell job making themselves heard. It seems as though presidential candidates must appeal to southerners or they cannot win, thus the hubbub about John Kerry being from the northeast. If you upset the hypocritical, overweight, unpatriotic southerners and their invisible cloudman, you can kiss away any chance at winning the presidency. Its nice to know the future of America is in the hands of people who should be considered legally insane.
New Scientist is reporting that researchers have found genetic evidence linked to male homosexuality. UCLA researcher Sven Bocklandt discovered that one X-chromosome is much more likely to be methylated ("disabled") than the others in mothers of gay sons. Women without gay sons only demonstrated 4% "skewing" of the methylation process. Where as 14% of mothers with one gay son and 23% of mothers with more than one gay son did reveal skewing of the methylation process. Skewing in the mother does not affect the mothers' health in anyway shape or form. However, the methylation process does affect some genes that are passed on to their sons. New Scientist
A study conducted by the Plebius Press has determined that the more educated and affluent a state is, the more likely it was to vote in favor of John Kerry on Tuesday's United States Presidential election. In states where Kerry won, 30 percent of the population had completed a Bachelors Degree, compared to 24 percent in states where Bush was victorious. [chart]. It is not clear whether these findings extend to intelligence or IQ as some blogs have suggested. The percent of population with a Bachelors Degree was a significant predictor of the outcome, accounting for 25% of the overall results. [chart] The median household income of a state was also a good predictor of how the state voted. States with a higher median income tended to favor Kerry, whereas states with a lower income favored Bush. [chart] Median income remains a good predictor even when you control for education level, as shown in this chart: Plebius Press I would have guessed median income slightly favored Republicans and education was virtually a tie.
The Case for Faith -- Lee Strobel The Case for Christ -- Lee Strobel Icons of Evolution -- Jonathan Wells Treason -- Ann Coulter
I'll shake on that in Jesus' name. I hope you don't work a minimum wage job because you owe me a lot of money.
Check it out, I wish I coulda voted for him like 20 times instead of just once. LOL give 'em hell president
Leave Ratt out of this!
I do get anal... anal-retentive about reading my Bible twice a day.
No, I think Va is declaring he gets anal from hot chicks... which is a sin.
I'm definately a FOX News man. I love their slogan, "we report, you decide" because it makes me feel empowered. They report and I DECIDE! Everytime I hear that slogan it reminds me that I still have the capacity for critical thought... thanks to FOX News. You don't get that kind of empowerment from liberal outlets. I especially like the American flag in the top left corner of the screen. It reminds me that their news isn't just fair and balanced, but also pro-America! I like news that reflects the beliefs of my countrymen. Thank God for FOX News or all we'd hear about is nonsense like how gays deserve equal protection of the law or baseless lies that shed a negative light on the glorious invasion of Iraq. God Bless FOX News and God Bless America.
I can think of two people that don't like sodomy. Me and Jesus. I'm still so mad that Lawrence v. Texas was struck down and sodomy was legalized in Texas. Grr @ the liberal/gay agenda.
This is the best possible choice for Demoncrats mainly because Dean makes me laugh. Outkast Cypress Hill
Of course, she's an amoral liberal. She probably likes sodomy too. Barf @ liberal Canadian girls!
Score one for the creationists!
Wham Rocks replied to Wham Rocks's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
LOL! Miller-Urey proved nothing! First of all, its not light that's added to the primordial soup, its electricity. Duh! Second, the only result of the electric current were a few amino acids, not even enough to form a functioning chain. Third, Miller-Urey totally overlooked major factors such as what earth's prehistoric atmosphere may have been like and failed to take foriegn matter such as asteroids or debris into account. LOL @ how dumb Miller-Urey is. That was a good textbook lie in like the 1950's or something. But its obvious in our day and age that Miller-Urey are doofuses. -
LOL @ Arafat who's gonna burn in hell. Most Christians fear and respect Hell but I think Hell is hilarious because 1) I'm redeemed thru Christ and 2) Sinners burning forever is so friggin' funny. When I saw this thread I told my mom to bring me some Sunny D and then I asked her what she thought about Yasser Arafat and she was like, "Walter, you should really stop being so obsessed with other people's morality, you can only control your own." Screw that. My prediction is Yasser Arafat kicks the bucket at 7:06 pm tonight eastern time. Because that equals 6 hours and 66 minutes after high noon.