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Wham Rocks

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Everything posted by Wham Rocks

  1. My favorite site on the internet, a Christian hate organization known as the American Family Association is up in arms over the hidden pro-homosexual message in a new children's movie. Included is a hilarious article about how the new DreamWorks flick, Shark Tale, is a surefire way to indoctrinate innocent children into the dark underworld of homosexual deviancy. And what is so gay about it? A shark named Lenny, voiced by Jack Black, prefers to be a vegetarian unlike his masculine, flesh-eating shark counterparts. He also prefers to dress like a dolphin, which are far more friendly than the ornery, bloodthirsty sharks. These activities, of course, could invariably lead to other effeminate traits like... homosexuality. And better yet (spoiler), since Lenny reconciles these issues with the other sharks rather than die a horrible death, the AFA believes DreamWorks is suggesting that homosexuality is okay. I've seen lesser leaps of logic in 1970's Batman movies, but whatever floats their boat. So anyway, if you want your kids to be awesome, flesh-eating hetorosexuals, keep them the hell away from gay propaganda like Shark's Tale! The AFA is great
  2. Why worry about silly things like racism and rap music when you can... Dance to this pointless waste of time?
  3. If liberals had any talk show hosts with the kind of standing Limbaugh and Savage constitute, there'd be more of a story here. But its John Sylvester from Wisconsin... which means 95% of Americans have never heard of him until today. If he ever gets 10-20 million regular listeners, the stakes will be higher.
  4. As long as we keep those godless liberals out of office, they can never take our Bibles away from us!
  5. Isn't it ironic that Jesus was born on Christmas? Up until his birth, it was known as annual gift day and everyone relished in the joyous secular holiday. But I understand the rationale behind it, God made baby Jesus on Christmas because it was symbolic that he was God's gift to the world.
  6. There was a time when those terms were measuring sticks for how many civil liberties you recieved. And on top of that, octoroon is a funny word. I bet that guy from House Party with the crazy hair-do is one.
  7. Here's for all you non-American Idiots. Enjoy!
  8. Remember the terms "quadroon" and "octoroon"?
  9. Why the lovefest for Condi? She's definately a crappy cabinet member, but it has little to do with those delicious pancakes and syrup she makes. What was the name of that memo? "Osama bin Laden determined to strike within US" or something equally as vague? LOL, easy mistake... its like forgetting to carry the one in long division.
  10. LOL, let's retroactively change the original meaning of your post after you dogged innocent, little Wham Rocks 2 or 3 times for using such horrible generalizations! Mama joke or not, its a message you reiterate quite a bit. Don't get me wrong, if I feel like I'm fairly defining my victims, generalizations are great. And lets have some fun with a game called semantics... Calling people who mindlessly absorb news from coloring book cable news stations American Idiots is mucn different than calling people who embrace religious fanatacism Fundamentalists? Come on home, we're in agreement.
  11. I know all about it. Wiggaz, boyee! I'm terribly partial to these ones...
  12. If there's a bad "8 minute graduate degree" joke, I haven't heard it. You're up against some comedians, Gene. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.
  13. LOL, silly liberals. Throwing around Sambo references at black people who embrace the GOP sort of defeats the purpose of claiming to be less racist than republicans.
  14. Now, now... let's not change the subject, you rugged Alaskin. Green Day dropped their best song in since '97 with American Idiot. There is a bias in the media that's bigger than liberal or conservative. The fact that the news is ratings driven rather than information driven tends to cause a dumbing down effect of the American public. Sensationalism is a far bigger problem than the left or right talking heads that make me prefer Full House to cable news. The point I was making, is that Green Day makes liberal use of generalizations to make their point. References to American Idiot, Redneck Agenda, Faggot America, etc. Generalizations aren't bad if you target people on specific, definable terms. American Idiot
  15. Is it just me, or is Yasser Arafat really handsome? I hope they have belts in Jannah that reads Stud Muffin on the back.
  16. I've read at least 5 1/2 posts by Gene. He has homophobe written all over him. I wouldn't be surprised if he was Fred Phelps himself. www.godhatesfags.com
  17. LOL, I know, dudes that pimp "American Idiot" in their signature must have a real beef with absolutes...
  18. This is why I only listen to ill mitch.
  19. Look, people who pretend to be libertarians who don't have a point to make immediately pretend it's not a race issue. How very surprising. See how easy that is?
  20. LOL! Since I specifically singled out religious fundamentalists, perhaps I need to re-clarify. Did I mention it was about religious fundamentalists? Because honestly, I thought that since I said religious fundamentalists, people actually read the part about religious fundamentalists. This post is dedicated to idiot America.
  21. They were so sweet they rivaled only Billy Cosby's sweaters.
  22. Remember when FOX News botched this?
  23. Umm... maybe you didn't notice the pigmentation of their skin...? Black athletes are playboys and criminals. When they're not sodomizing our beautiful white women, they're attacking poor, innocent fat whities that throw junk at them.
  24. LOL! Family values strike again. Christian psychos are lucky that Muslim psycho's out-psycho them all, or else there'd be more of an outcry in this country against the religious right. Because let's face it, deeply fundamentalist people of any religion are always insane. Imagine Jerry Falwell with a machine gun or a suitcase nuke.
  25. For God's sake, please think about the poor children! Every single kid that looks in your cold, hollow, sinful eyes learns that sinning is cool when clearly living with your girlfriend makes you evil. Bad Kevbeau! Quickly, go here and be redeemed.
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