Give it a rest Navy, I am a Sox fan, but if I was a Yankmee fan I would be very concerned. Pitching is so important, thats why the Marlins beat the Yanks in the WS! It is reality check time!!! THe Yankmees have a solid team with a great line up, but if their starters can't get out of the 2nd or 3rd innings they are sunk!
The Yankmees cockyness (A-rod) said it all yesterday..... We are in the drivers seat, not the Red Sox. How about Sheffield... "We are not concerned with the Red SOx? Red Sox??" with a smerk!
I don't know who is going to win the division but the YANKS are going nowhere..
AS PEDRO once said " it is reasonable to be panicing" When the SOx went down 3-2 going in to Yankee Stadium in the ALCS 03
You got to love Boston fans always on the up and up..... Yanks always find a way. They lost 22-0 at home? Good, let them lose tonight too. When Boston comes to town there will be a team meeting just like last year and we seen what happened.......
Before you rag on the Yanks brother, check your own team. I enjoy seeing my team in the playoffs every year and the series. What have you enjoyed? 78 years of ????