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Everything posted by ARGB52

  1. Nice whole in one !!!!!
  2. Oh my GOD !!! He ruined a perfectly good coat !!!!
  3. Average at best. You guys would hump a fire plug ! As far as woman--- now take that 50 year old woman in the Bow Flex adds. Now that is a fine looking woman and if you haven't seen her you are missing one hell of a wet dream.
  4. They are these things that cover your body and have openings for your head and arms. Sometimes they have logo's on the front of them and the back too. In this case they say TOOOOOO BADDDDDDD !!!!
  5. I'll be seeing you in all the old familar places----- in all the all familar places thanks too youuuuuuuuuuuuu.
  6. What is it??? Have you never seen a naked woman before ??? This is not that big a deal! It's not like it is Brittney Spears or somebody like that !! Please she is not THAT much of a piece of A##SS !!!!
  7. Bills- 31 Jags - 17
  8. Oh he has brains- but does his ego over come them? Righ know the kid scares the crap out of me. I know all of what you say about him is correct, but his lack of ability to controll the need to be noticed and controll his ego is the question, not his effort, ability or brains. I hope he makes it big time. (personally)
  9. Where do you live ? In a basement with a toilet that has a tennis ball stuck in it ?
  10. I'll have it on when I watch the Bills on TV this Sunday. I hope it is the start of it being my new lucky shirt. Bills WILL be in the playoffs!!!
  11. Make sure your feet are Flush with the toilet when you take apart the pipe to get it out.
  12. Did anybody hear what he was saying to the guys on the bench? He said that he was not going to slide, that he would take on anybody LB's ,SS's, anybody. Right now this kid is a mental midget. My fear is that we have another Rob Johnson. He has great talent but can he learn the position ?????????
  13. Coy Wire, He will be in the wrong place at the right time !
  14. Too much talent on this team NOT to make the playoffs. It is unexceptable even with the new coacing staff. Look at the starting line ups from last year to this year. The Team from the Wilson to the GM to the coaches must think the same way or there would have been a lot more player changes. 11 & 5 or 10 & 6 for me is all that I will except.
  15. WGR is Mailing it in. Every morning there excuse for not talking about sports is the Bills or the Sabers are not playing. It just doesn't stand up. I am surprised that these guys advitise that they are a sports station and then talk about politics. I am surprise that they think they have a right to be a sports station and feel they have a right to influence our political system just because they are on the air. They are very dissapointing to me and every morning I listen and wind up turning them off because they are not putting the effort into making their station and morning show one of the best in the country. The lack of pride in their jobs shows. If you are going to use a sports station to talk about local, state and federal politics then at least be honest about it. Beleive me if ESPN did this, ( and they do at times) I would feel the same way. The excuse that people are not interested in anything but the Bills and the Sabers is a cop out. It is your job to make them interested. Local sports, High School games, college games, Men and Woman sports on all levels should be talked about. Make segments on different things every day of the week so word of mouth gets around and you would be surprise what would happen. Don't make these segments the whole show, I turn on the station at certain times to hear certain people and would leave the station on if a follow up segment was going to have some value. We are not interested in your personal lives or personal politics we are interested in sports. Now that you have a Monopoly you have a new responsibility to do what you advitise. SPORTS ,SPORTS, SPORTS !!!!!
  16. Jennings is still very young. He is a must signing for us. It takes too long to develope O- lineman. It does not matter if he is a true LT or not, he is an excelent young lineman that can play more then one position. Pat is not a must signing because of age. I would like to sign him but if he ask for too much then I would think we would let him go.
  17. Ruben Brown to me when he is being interviewed. I hope he blocks like Ruben did when he first came to the Bills from College. If he does then we will be all right. Trey has done an excelent job this pre- season, the best since he has been here. This just might be a pretty good O- line if they can stay away from injuries.
  18. Kelsay will be as good as Schobel, IMO Denny because of hid size has to move inside or he will just be a back up player. IMO
  19. I think Lawton makes it as a backup fullback. I'm not convinced that Neufield has done enough to make the team this year. I think Tradford will make the team. Three TE's and Two Fullbacks and of course does Dorenbos make the team as a snapper, if so I see Mckenzie being left out.
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