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  1. Some choices that a coach makes have to be performance first choices. This is one of those cases. The cap hit what ever it might be will not be a consideration in this case. IMO The controll of the emotion and performance of this team in the future will over- ride any cap hit problems that might occur.
  2. Players who only show up to play when they feel like it must be replaced. Shaw was not running routes unless the ball was comming his way and he was not blocking. Adams should be let go as another way for this Coaching team to take controll of this team. Did you see how well Pat Williams started to play after the Adams situation. Also, Did you see all the chip blocking that McGahee did yesterday to help Bledsoe out and give him more time??? McGahee was playing with his talent and brains yesterday something that Henry has not been doing. The next problen is to get the TE position straighten out. Campbell is not blocking the correct players. He is just taking the first player he see's. It is messing up the sweeps in most cases. He is another player that is playing stupid. As soon as that gets better you will see a whole lot of difference. Malarky should cut Adams even if he appologies. IMO
  3. If he wants to go to the next level he has to seperate himself from his Bills playing days. I think Van Pelt has improved a lot from his first broadcast.
  4. Travis Henry has screewed up big time on the field in the last four games. He should be traded and I agree that Oakland is the type of team that would trade for him. If he is not traded then he needs to be sit down. At this point either way you loose the guy. physically or emotionally. If any of these rumors are correct I think all of these possible moves benifit this team and will get the attention of the players.
  5. When he got knocked out catching that pass on the fake punt because he was looking back and High Stepping, (So He Thought) into the end zone, I never laugh so hard in my life and to this day the name Loonie ( Lonie) Johnson cracks me up.
  6. Maybe a trade with San Diego for a draft pick or a young DB that hasn't worked out for them Q. Jammer ????
  7. Maybe a trade with San Diego for a draft pick or a young DB that hasn't worked out for them, Q. Jammer ?????
  8. This says it all IMO http://www.thehuddlereport.com/THRfree/Arc...es/TimEuhus.htm
  9. Holy CRAP !!!!!
  10. For you guys the glass is always half empty for me it is always half full until it goes below the half mark. We are not below the half mark yet.
  11. With a preety good O- line in front of him. That makes a BIG difference!
  12. There is a big difference. The talent is here. The team in general is making a lot of mistakes right now and this has got to stop. But this team is not being out talented. It has the talent to compete. That is what is so frustrating. These players are all trying to do too much. At this point they must stop helping the other guy and just take care of there own assignments without mistakes. We are all frustrated and angry because we all see that this team's talent overall is very good. Yesterday the Jets went 11 plays for 65 yds and a score. 55 yds was because of the Bills penalties. That was just one drive. That means that the JETS only gained 15 yds on that drive. This is the problem- not lack of talent. It is players trying tooo hard to make plays on every single play of the game. This team is not a team right now. They are a bunch of talented players looking for great plays so they can be on ESPN. When these players realize that they will not get on ESPN until the TEAM starts winning, that's when we will start to win. The Talent is here it's TEAM play that is not. TEAM play has not been here for three years and now the players must realize that and adjust. Marlarky is showing them the importance of TEAM play. I just hope it doesn't take much longer.
  13. Jennings is a guard or a right tackle. He is not a LT. He is playing out of position. When some one moves him inside he just might go to the pro bowl. By the way he is also a pretty good RT. But he just does not have the lateral movement for the LT position. We should sign him and move him inside.
  14. As usual Frez you have your Italian Sausage stuck someplace where it doesn't belong. T D has done nothing that we all here on this board have not agreed with at the time he did it. You love to second guess to show people how clever you are but the fact is over all T D has done a very good job. This team will get better and if it doesn't then T D will make trades to try to make them better. The guy has busted his butt to make this team a competitive team. His moves have all been with that thought in mind. He has not been afraid to spend money and has always had a plan in place. He has never on purpose let this team down or it's fans as you have eluded too over the course of the last few years. Your problem with T D seems to be personal at this point and for the life of me I do not know why.
  15. I agree totaly! I feel that they may have found something yesterday by using the hurry up. They might have found a way of helping the O- line get an edge on the future D- lines they face. 10 & 6 is still a possiblilty if they get the O -line some confidence.
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