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Everything posted by buffaloboyinATL

  1. if things don't change this could be Losmans team by November. His words, not mine... see below. Even though the Bills lost to the Jets, 16-14, Drew Bledsoe made two throws that prove he's not over the hill. His laser pass to tight end Mark Campbell for a 16-yard touchdown pass in the fourth quarter was a rope. He also lofted a perfect fade pass that Lee Evans caught for a 46-yard touchdown pass in the fourth quarter. The problem for Bledsoe is that time is running out for the Bills' offense and their team. They are 0-4. Bledsoe rarely is getting 200-yard passing days. The offense is averaging 12.75 points a game. J.P. Losman is going to be healthy at the end of the month. If things don't change, the team could be his in November.
  2. Actually, I'm not blaming Drew, I was just saying I am disappointed that he took that sack. He looked great on our scoring drives he just happened to be the guy with the ball when our final opportunity ground to a halt. The team as a whole failed to close the door at the end of the game but we looked very good at times. I wish they would have missed that damn field goal.....
  3. We were looking so good. The team was finally fired up, we had momentum... and then Drew fell down when the defensive player that was persuing him brushed his shoulder. He could have pulled free and either run out of bounds, gained a few yards or thrown it away. That sack ate up almost all of the remaining time and I am convinced he could have avoided it. I am affraid Drew has reached the point where he expects to fall down when he is hit. So close......
  4. By the way, what is a boilermaker?
  5. I agree. Mcgee looks great. I love him as a return man.
  6. Thanks for proving my point guest. Pretending to be a knowledgeable fan and badmouthing the Bills is just another way of being fairweather. I have faith that this team will continue to play well, make the neccesary adjustments at the haalf, and win the game. All of the posters out there who say "I am still a Bills fan but I know we are going to lose" are not fans in my eyes.
  7. You know who you are! :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  8. Did you hear about the Dyslexic, agnostic insomniac? He lies awake at night wondering if there is a Dog?
  9. I have no idea how to respond to this story.
  10. I agree, I believe Davis is out this week. According to the Charlotte Observer, Davis (knee) is out for Week 5. "It's disappointing, but I want to be smart about the situation and get myself completely better," Davis said. (Updated 09/30/2004).
  11. I'm wearing my Bills shirt today as I usually do all weekend long during the season. It's odd, here in Atlanta almost no one ever wears Falcons gear, even on gameday, even when the team is doing well. The fan support is much weaker here than in good old Buffalo. Go Bills!!! Please find a way to go 1-2 and get us some momentum!!! B)
  12. Damn, no touchdowns for Evans?...
  13. The only throat I ever ruined was my ex-wife. 50656[/snapback] OJ is that you?
  14. I'm pretty sure he has said he will not be available.
  15. Ha! Good one. I do agree that we got screwed last week but then again, so did Washington last night so it's equal opportunity.
  16. In hindsight, who would have thought we would have beaten them so handily in the first game last year? They were the about to become SuperBowl Champs and had a much better team than us and yet we won the game. You just never know. If we get our running game going and the Defense/Special Teams steps up... we could just as easily win as lose. I am hoping/cheering for the W.
  17. Not sure if they're still around but there was a great band called the Party Squad that I used to love when I lived in Tonawanda. If they still exsist, book 'em they rock.
  18. I live in Atlanta and I can tell you they do not like Peerless at all down here right now. On the sports talk radio shows everyone is calling in saying he is over-paid, a whiner, not a team player, etc... They are 3-0 and Peerless is causing trouble in the locker room because he feels they are not using him properly. Definitely all about him. I've also heard that there was an interception on a ball thrown his way, he did not help defend the pass and instead of trying to chase down the defender who caught it, he turned and glared at Vick. Not sure if that is true but all I know is, I hope Evans helps us move on and forget Peerless very soon.
  19. Is Troy Vincent a higher power?
  20. Buffalo, 17-10. The Dolphins run D is a bit suspect this year. Travis Henry will put up 120 yards rushing and a TD.
  21. I'll be sitting in the Jim Kelly club seats for the Miami game and I have never sat there before. Can anyone tell me how they are? Is the view ok? Do you feel like your part of the game experience or are you removed from the action. Any feedback is appreciated.
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