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Everything posted by buffaloboyinATL

  1. Yeah, but he did make the NFL's most over-rated team? Do they get to go to Hawaii too?
  2. That's a contradiction. Winning with extraordinary special teams and and defense is not smoke and mirrors. In the past several years Tampa, Baltimore and Carolina have used that appoach to advance to and in some cases, win, the Superbowl. Just because our offense is not the best unit on the team does not mean the team is a fluke.
  3. Does that mean he's getting a lot of mileage on him?
  4. Very well said. Bossman, I disagee with your statement that Bledsoe sucks. I was nervous about him earlier in the year as were many fans, but I am now convinced that he is the best option at QB for the remainder of the year. He has displayed better pocket presence over the past 8 weeks or so and is obviously more confident in the line. He has scrambled for positive yardage several times instead of taking sacks and seems to have remembered how to get rid of the ball when needed. Mularkey has figured out how to run the offense to set up strikes downfield and Bledsoe is taking advantage of these oppotunities with accurate passes to Evans and Moulds even when he is under pressure. This is the most I have enjoyed watching our team play in several years and therefore I plan to enjoy the holidays watching my team make a run for the play-offs.
  5. I agree, so far I love the guy. Seems like he tries to work with the personnel that he has available. Now Gilbride... he was pass happy.
  6. I was just chatting with a few of them and they said that they never liked his "pass happy" style, they said he tried to change their smash mouth attack and that they're happy he's gone. I knew they didn't like their offense last year, but I thought they liked him.
  7. I'm in. I'm starting to think that might be the way we get in too.
  8. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: for every jagoff who says yeah but you lost 4 Superbowls in a row... every frikkin time I try to have an intelligent football debate. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: oh yeah, and :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: to all NFL referees.
  9. If the Jets happen to lose both games, which could happen if Bulger is back and the Rams need the game, do we win the tie-breaker?
  10. I need to find a place to watch us play the Steelers because I have a feeling the game wont be on regular TV there. (wish I could bring my directv with me) I'll be with several Bills fans and we would love to find a "Bills bar".
  11. http://49ers.hosttown.com/ you need to register, even just to lurk.
  12. You're right, wow you must have been looking very closely. I like pierced navels but it looks pretty gross with the jewelry removed.
  13. Is Peters going to have to check in with the officials ever play because of the number he is wearing?
  14. Damn, you're right. I guess that was wishful thinking on my part. Number 10 in the power rankings, number one in your hearts!
  15. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/powerranking ESPN has us at number 1. Now let's just make the play-offs.
  16. same here, I've been searching the web-sites waiting for the news.
  17. and then the play is negated because he forgot to declare himself eligible again. Eligible, does that mean people can read me...?
  18. If he called him Henry or McGee one more time, I was gonna try and jump through the tv and kick his ass....
  19. I said yes then and now. All he can do is provide the talent. It is up to the coaches and players to live up to their potential. IMO he has provided the talent all along.
  20. So be a homer. Vote for Willis! By the way, now he's 16% behind.
  21. There is the post from that DolphinsJohn guy on the front page still, so there is at least one. You are right though. I think everyone is just assuming this is an automatic win because our team is so much better than the 'Fins right now. Hopefully the team is not looking past them because they will try and spoil are chances if they can.
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