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Everything posted by buffaloboyinATL

  1. Do not spread inaccurate rumors about Ray Lewis.... His weapon of choice is a knife, not a gun.
  2. A friend of mine did etched and finished concrete floors in her basement, it was pretty inexpensive and turned out great. They actually carve into the concrete and seal it so that it looks kind of like slate tiles. Here's a link to some examples: http://www.concretenetwork.com/concrete/in...ce=gooaw&kw=22a
  3. It took me a minute but that was damn funny. It's Electric...
  4. Your photos and updates were greatly appreciated last year. I can hardly wait!! Thanks.
  5. Indians pitcher: Gay porn video was mistake So how does one make this kind of mistake? Did he think it was a cucumber eating contest?
  6. I actually saw a link on a website a few weeks ago that had topless before and after pictures of her taken from her Dr.s website. I'm at work right now so unfortunately I can't search for it. They looked authentic but you never know these days.
  7. actually, I picked up a midget prostitute... gave her $8 bucks to go up on me. (credit punchline to Larry the Cable guy)
  8. Yeah and if I would have seen this article last week I could have saved $50 bucks over the weekend.
  9. "A total of 13 women and 11 men, ranging in age from 19 to 49, took part in the experiments at Dr Holstege's laboratory. Since it was vital to remain completely still in the scanner, volunteers had to have their heads restrained while being stimulated." and only 11 men volunteered?!? I find that hard to believe...
  10. From a skill perspective, yes, without a doubt. However with his salary and his ego, I don't believe that would ever be possible.
  11. Lots of talk about him not being able to get separation, not reaching out for the tough catches and having a bad attitude in the locker room. He complains after a win that Vick didn't throw to him enough instead of just being happy they won. I can see these factors being a problem because they are magnified by the fact that he got elite receiver kind of money.
  12. LOL. To hear them talk on sports talk radio down here, he's all that and more. Every day people call in and say they just have to cut Peerless and move on.
  13. I agree. They caught a lot of criticism for that pick and it seems to have been ok for them.
  14. Exactly, fantasy football does not award points for drawing double coverage so that other players on the field can make plays. Real football does, just ask Peerless Price.
  15. Levi Jones. Bengals OT.
  16. Wow, that's a lot of numbers...
  17. Now if you could add a few more verses to that song and go for 83,432, you'd be on to something...
  18. Could be "Full of bail b.s." Are the Bills due for some legal problems?
  19. When Aaron Baddley came on the scene, he kept calling himself "Badds" but the other pros call him "Dresses" as in... Aaron dresses Baddley. Gotta love the creativity. At least he can golf.
  20. Wow, I had no idea he fell so far from grace. I remember when he started on tour he had an entorage of trainers, massage therapist, psychologist, yoga instructor, etc... I'm guessing they are not around anymore. The pros on tour nicknamed him "Keep" as in.. keep Tryon.
  21. Wow, lucky you! Hand selected at random to receive $45 million!! You better respond quicky before the third suicide bomber attempt eliminates this opportunity.
  22. Thanks for that description. I've been trying to figure out how the supp draft works. That makes sense. I appreciate it.
  23. I kinda like Paula Marti. This is not a good picture but she is pretty hot. http://www.lpga.com/content_1.aspx?pid=3081&mid=2
  24. Wow, that's weird. They both died this weekend?
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