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Everything posted by buffaloboyinATL

  1. We'll probably have to consider extending Willis this season as well or he will become a hold out next year. I'd love to lock him up long term if it could be done.
  2. By the way Willis is on the front page as an "Up and Comer" He is a link to the article, 10 questions with Willis: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2005/foot...ahee/index.html
  3. It seems that they are mentioning players with some questions around them, i.e. Losman is inexperienced and Spikes doesn't have Pat Willaims in front of him, etc... Apparently there are no questions surrounding Willis and his impending success. On another note, this picture of Dewayne Robertson and Drew Bledsoe has "caption this photo" written all over it. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/multimedi.../content.6.html
  4. Yeah, that and the fake time out, direct snap trick. I wonder what gadget plays we'll get from Mularkey this season.
  5. Good stuff as usual, thanks. Nice to see the consistency in some of todays reports.
  6. new to the boards Benjamin Franklin Posted on: May 3 2005, 05:17 PM Rookie Group: Members Posts: 152 Joined: 9-April 04 Member No.: 4,419 For the most part, THIS is a great thread. It's what this board is all about. Welcome to the board and many happy returns. Feel free to post any question you have on the main board- on any topic... relationships, medical advice, whatever- there is a lot of expertience on here who can help you out when you need it. Forum: The Stadium Wall Archive · Post Preview: #327363 · Replies: 74 · Views: 1,314 This is from a previous post by Benjamin Franklin. He has apparently decided to put his theory to the test. I hope his friend survives...
  7. damn funny. I hope this is a joke or we might feel guilty later.
  8. My bad, I missed that one.
  9. from webmd Immediate home treatment Immediate home treatment should not delay transport for emergency evaluation. Remain calm. Lie down and stay as quiet and still as possible after the bite. Any physical activity may increase the flow of venom to the bloodstream. If you are not sure what type of snake or lizard bit you, call a poison control center immediately to help identify the snake or lizard and determine the next steps to take. If signs of shock are present or the bitten person is not breathing, see the topic Dealing With Emergencies. If an extraction device is used, it should be applied within 3 minutes of the bite. Leave it on for 30 minutes. Do not cut the skin over the bite before applying the suction. Remove any jewelry on the bitten limb. The limb might swell, making it more difficult to remove the jewelry after swelling begins. With a pen, mark the edge of the swelling around the bite every 15 minutes so the progression of swelling can be evaluated. Apply a splint on an arm or leg that was bitten to limit motion and limit the flow of venom into the bloodstream. If possible, keep the bitten area at or slightly lower than the level of the heart. Drink fluids (not alcohol) in frequent, small amounts unless vomiting is a problem. This will help prevent dehydration and reduce the risk of shock.
  10. he did not mention a gun, maybe he could stab him or hang him. Next time you log in try webmd.com. I found some great advice there when my wife got stung by hornets.
  11. My fear is one of those contracts that says he makes $1 more than the highest paid CB, or something like that. He definitely deserves a top 5 salary IMHO, I hope we are willing and able to pay it.
  12. Sounds good. Monday October 24th, let's meet here at, let's say 10am. See you all then...
  13. I certainly hope this is true but his expectations are definitely going to be high. When a guy says he is the best in the game he will expect to be the highest paid at his position. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he gets an extension during the season.
  14. You mean "he-who-must-not-be-named" Donohoe?
  15. The only ones that I am hesitant on are Geisinger and Gates. I think Gates will be impressive in camp and will only wind up on the practice squad if Lee is even better. There is also a chance that Williams is the odd man out. Geisinger will be developed as a swing man playing guard, tackle or center and will therefore be kept on the active roster for depth.... or not.
  16. WR Roscoe Parrish TE Kevin Everett on the field early October OL Duke Preston CB Eric King OL Justin Geisinger RB Lionel Gates UDFA WR Tony Brown, Tennessee TE Brad Cieslak, Northern Illinois ILB Liam Ezekiel, Northeastern PS WR Therrian Fontenot, Fresno State PS DE George Gause, South Carolina FB Jon Goldsberry, Purdue OG Geir Gudmundsen, Albany (N.Y.) PS OLB Wendell Hunter, California CB Rob Lee, Northern Illinois SS Daniel Leger, Colorado School of the Mines FS Jim Leonhard, Wisconsin CB Evan Oglesby, North Alabama WR Will Peoples, Oklahoma CB Marvin Ward, Northwestern
  17. No actually, it's just fun to be sarcastic. By the way, how many guys are we allowed to put on the practice squad?
  18. oops. I had the wrong link the first time. It's corrected now. Actually a bunch of guys born in the 70's. It used to be a good feeling to know that there were guys on the team older than me (I was born in '65) but now that is no longer the case. At least the coach is still older than me.
  19. And that's not all!! Buy now and we'll also throw in a chance to guess how many games the Bill's win this season and what our record will be while wearing the throw back uniforms! Act now, operators are standing by.
  20. http://www.kffl.com/article/115/2005_BUFFA...LLS_ROSTER.html I figured that there would be at least one guy in his late 30's on the squad.
  21. This one will only be proven during the season but I say J.P. Losman. He is almost single-handedly the reason that many pundits are not giving the Bills respect this year. Most so call experts are lowering their expectations of individual players and the team as a whole because of #7. I believe he is under-rated and will have numbers at least as good as Bledsoe, plus about 500 yards rushing and 4-5 extra rushing TD's.
  22. We do, it's called the Dolphin's Media Guide. (rim shot) Sorry, that was too easy.
  23. You left off: Man, Krumrie is a beast, he looks like he could still be out there playing. And boy, does he sweat a lot.
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