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Everything posted by buffaloboyinATL

  1. It is amazing that someone can make the probowl by reputation and hype alone. I watched Peters play several times this season and every game I watched he got burned for a sack or had numerous penalties. He looks good from time to time but ultimately makes mistakes that cost his team. Not a probowler in my book.
  2. I want the Jets to lose for obvious reasons. But it is karma if the Bengals lose because they had a chance to keep the Jets out of the playoffs and they didn't even try.
  3. I can't believe we are still having the Flutie/Johnson debates. It will never go away. By the way, Flutie does not have the power to "lift the curse". Wade is stuck with this and Dallas will lose yet another play-off game.
  4. I disagree with that, not because there is competition for head coaches but because there will be intense competition for new position coaches assistants and coordinators. The more new head coaches that come into place, the more competition there will be for the quality assistants. Shanahan and Carroll will soon be filling their staffs, then will come the new coaches for the Raiders, Jags and probably one or two more teams. We need a head coach now so that he can beat the rush and line up a good supporting team.
  5. Agreed but it makes me wonder what the guy was actually laughing about.
  6. Unfortunately, we've all seen it a few too many times. It's been awhile but you got me.
  7. I would like a job illegally filming other teams play calling and/or intercepting radio signals. We are sure to build a winner.
  8. Talk about a team player... I hope you are a female poster or you just crossed into creepy territory.
  9. Odd because they definitely were told to clean out their offices and leave the building. My friend said he was cleaning out his office and spending time with his family, I didn't think to ask if he was actually fired or not but I assumed from his tone that he was.
  10. Apparently he would ask (tell?) DJ to cut players that he didn't think fit into his defense. With a couple of players April petitioned Fewell and Jauron to keep them because of their ST expertise but Fewell did not help him keep the ones he wanted. It was only a passing comment but it gave me the impression that April was a bit of an outsider.
  11. No. I got together with him when he came to Atlanta a couple of weeks ago and he said things have been very strange since Jauron got let go. He described it as a bunch of people trying to steer the Titanic. No one seemed know what was happening and several people were trying to take control. They had no discussions about the future for the most part and the office was very tense. As I said before, he was told back when Shannahan was interviewed that he would be given a chance to interview for the new coach but I am not sure if that still applies. FWIW, he also said April was very pissed that he didn't get the interim HC job. Apparently he wasn't a fan of Fewell because he cut a couple of his best ST players.
  12. I just talked to a friend of mine who was on the coaching staff. He just finished cleaning out his office and confirmed that it is everyone. He told me a couple of weeks ago that Russ Brandon promised him an interview with the new HC when he comes onboard but I am not sure if that will still be the case.
  13. That is Brians last name too.
  14. I seem to remember that Jets fans have been pretty unhappy with him lately but I guess the shine isn't completely off of him if others are saying he'll get a few looks for a HC position. edit: just found this petition which supports my statement: http://www.petitiononline.com/FBSJets/petition.html (although 68 signatures is not exactly a ground swell LOL)
  15. That he might be willing to give Brian Schottenhimer a chance at Head Coach? I am not saying I want this but I wouldn't be at all surprised if he comes in for an interview after the season.
  16. but, but... They're both named Reed and played wide receiver for the Bills, they're practically identical.
  17. Footloose, A Few Good Men and Wild Things. Can't leave a movie where Neve Campbell and Denise Richards make out off the list.
  18. So when you hit the sack, your sac hits the sack.
  19. It appears that the undergarment with no spot in the poll is the winner. Boxer briefs for me too.
  20. Bold predictions gone wrong.
  21. I hope you mean Harley, otherwise you just made a very public admission about your personal life.
  22. Maybe StampedeCity is a teenage girl.
  23. From what I understand, these policies typically only cover them if their carreers end. It does not cover you if your skills are diminished due to the injury if you continue to try and play. I heard an interview regarding ASam Bradford and whether or not his insurance would cover the losses he will face if his draft status is dramatically affected by the injury to his shoulder. The person being interviewed, a supposed expert in these policies, said the insurance company only pays out if his career ended due to the injury, it does not cover lost wages due to the inability to play at the same level. In other words, if Wood came back, played below his potential and then was released after failing to deliver, he most likely would be SOL.
  24. I have to say Kyle Williams. He was dominating at times and played with some serious passion.
  25. and you call yourself a fan. It was forward, not back...
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