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Everything posted by buffaloboyinATL

  1. No, my comment was not directed at anyone in particular, just having a bit of fun. As far as your posts, I am all for minimizing the roll government plays in our daily lives. When people become too reliant on the government, it stifles creative thinking, risk taking and the entreprenureal spirit that helped make this a great country. That is what ia am afraid we are starting to see more and more people accepting and it scares the crap out of me.
  2. Looks like Shaun White.
  3. Wind seems to be blowing to the left...
  4. Well stated. I fear that many people voted based on the sound bites that the Obama campaign team is so adept at, and have no idea what they really signed up for. Prepare for dramatically increased capital gains taxes coming very soon. Prepare for corporations large and small to choose to no longer offer heathcare benefits to their employees because it is cheaper and easier to pay the fines. ( the government alternative will not be as great as many expect ). Prepare for small business owners cutting back or refusing to grow because of the dramatic increase in the taxes they will have to pay. (this will affect many more people than the Democrates have lead you to believe, not just the "wealthy" people making $250K+) Be prepared for what relaxed Immigration standards will do to this country. I am not sure why anyone who opposes Obama is automatically called a racist. There are many things to dislike in his politics that have nothing to do with the color of his skin.
  5. This confirmed my stance. Romney it is... Time to go vote.
  6. Why the quotes around wrist? Do you not believe it was actually his wrist that was operated on?
  7. Thanks for the tip! I just installed the app on my iPad. Awesome.
  8. Ajzepp, thanks for the recap. I still hold out hope that the chemistry of our D will start to click this season and play much better in the second half of the season. Stories like this encourage me that e are heading in that direction. That being said, how did you get WGR on the radio in your car here in Atlanta, or did I mi-read that and you listened on the computer when you got home?
  9. The lights are on, but no one is home. I would like to believe they are panicking at One Bills Drive and trying to figure out how to save this season, but unfortunately, I don't really think that is happening. We are more than likely stuck with this version of the Bills until the off season.
  10. Wow, if your day is made by 7:47 am, you are off to a great start. It's all gravy from here.
  11. He is staying at Jim Kelly's house, hunting for deer off of the back porch.
  12. Didn't John Wayne Bobbit make Frankenweenie in 1996?
  13. Good idea. I am taking one week off from this team!
  14. I had a similar incident when I was in college at Canisius. I was walking by one of the dorms with a couple of buddies when a couple of frat boys started yelling crap at us, calling us gay,etc... We counted floors and rooms and figured out which room they were in and went and knocked on their door. They were very scared when we confronted them (I am 6'4" and was pretty big at that time and my friends were a good size too) but we only scared them, we didn't take it to the next level like Misi did. My guess is they learned a lesson and thought twice about yelling things to strangers. (although they are probably Internet tough guys now )
  15. I agree. Sometimes people convince themselves that they would rather not know the truth so they avoid self testing out of fear or thinking "it will never happen to me", not out of ignorance. Thank God she found something to prompt her to self test. I just read an article about a guy in GA who shaved his head to support his wife while she was undergoing chemo for breast cancer. Once his head was shaved he found a black spot that turned out to be an advanced stage malignant tumor that would most likely have gone undiagnosed until it was too late if he hadn't shaved his head.
  16. Just went on a 7 day cruise on the Disney Fantasy in early September. It was a great time and I would do it again in a heartbeat. My kids are 11, 9 and 3 and they had a great time. The cruise was a bit spendy (roughly $6K) but was well worth it. We went to St. Marteen, St. Thomas and the Disney private island, Castaway Cay. Feel free to PM me if you have specific questions or want more details. The kids had a great time and my wife and I got some time to ourselves and still had plenty of time to enjoy the vacation with the kids as well.
  17. He did, I saw the play. He was blocked 10 yards down field and away from the play. He came running up after Luck was down and jumped on the pile. He then got up, flexed and started dancing as though he made the sack. The two guys who actually made the tackle just got up and walked by him as though he wasn't there. Classic... Actually, he did.
  18. He was more like a Fullback I believe. But no, I have never noticed him in that role before.
  19. I hope Brady gets the Facebook QB conversation treatment this week.
  20. The thing that frustrated me about Fitz today was that he seemed to be straining himself and using all his energy every time he threw a pass. None of his throws seemed effortless like they do with other QB's.
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