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Everything posted by buffaloboyinATL

  1. That is funny! I always joke that people in Africa grew up thinking Buffalo is a dynasty that won 4 Superbowls in a row.
  2. I am willing to believe it. When you are in our community, you realize the reputation is not neccesarily reality. I am not shocked that someone's attitude towards Buffalo would change once they are there.
  3. Can we throw Dilfer into that comparison, he seems to fit too. That was we get at least one SuperBowl winner.
  4. I'm not even sure Bradford, RG3 or Cousins are the answer for their current teams, so I am not sure any of those 3 would be considered going strong. Cousins would be the most interesting of those 3 in my opinion though.
  5. I noticed it pretty early on the game against Detroit. He was definitely hanging his arm after some plays in a way that showed he was protecting his ribs. I thought for sure he would come out of the game but he stayed in there and made a difference. Impressive...
  6. Winner, right out of the gate and accurate too.
  7. It won't get the proper attention until there is a catchy name, like Lasergate. Then ESPN will be all over it. It would be even better if the moron did it to a player or team that they like, like Brady or Romo.
  8. I agree, I thought he was complaining about a hit to the facemask, which I did not see in replay. Apparently he was complaining about the lasers in his eyes. Bush league.
  9. I cheered very loudly when he raised his hand on the way off of the field. Hope he is back on the field very soon.
  10. Which is why he will become popular again. We love our backups...
  11. Oh Lord, I pray that is true! Great news!
  12. I love watching the way he punishes the tackler instead of being the victim of their hit. Many safeties have learned that they will pay the price for bringing him down. He is so fun to watch after contact!
  13. Amen! He looked rusty early, but KO was very composed as the game went on. His receivers (especially Watkins) stepped up to make him look better, but that is not an accident.
  14. I absolutely agree. He was the catalyst for this win.
  15. It is one thing to give speeches and fire everyone up with your words, but it takes a true leader to follow it up with his actions. Fred rallied the troops when things looked bleak and then he made plays on the field to let his actions back up his words. We were a different team when he was on the field and much of that victory is credit to his effort. Go Bills!!!
  16. Agreed, great article. Hopefully he continues to learn and develop behind Orton and is ready to take the next step the next time his number is called.
  17. At least we don't have to face another elite pass rusher this week... Oh, wait.
  18. Also, don't drink too much beer before you go down there because it is a pain to leave and use the bathroom and then come back to the field.
  19. Wow. Crazy thing is they made this move based on the public reaction. I have no doubt they saw this video previously. Either way, I applaud the move.
  20. Way to put your money where your mouth is.
  21. Damn, Lynch is definitely running like a beast tonight.
  22. I hope they are not arbitrary. I know some are based strictly on precedence, while others (like the new domestic violence clause) appear to be well defined. I also hope they provide structured counseling during long term suspensions like the one handed down to Gordon, but at the end of the day that is not really their responsibility. Rehabilitation ultimately is the responsibility of the individual, even though there should be a moral obligation or at least a selfish financial obligation of support provided by those closest to the player, including the team that benefits from their athleticism. So if they are willing to retroactively reduce suspension already handed down, why wouldn't they increase Ray Rice's suspension to 6 games in accordance to that change? Shouldn't be able to have it both ways...
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