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Everything posted by Snorom

  1. His candor ??? he's has no candor he's just a condescending dick
  2. Lynch was the sad joke back then. hit and run, unregistered gun suspension looming and pretty much mailing it in the last season he was with us A real man/player would of still performed regardless of the Bills state of affairs at the time. Ask Kyle Williams or Fred Jackson... now there's a couple of players whom one can respect
  3. I don't miss Lynch at all. He burnt his bridge here
  4. Not going to debate but I preferred Tyrods timing, field scanning,throws, and overall ball moving more than EJ's EJ deserves his shot.. but Taylor has been moving the ball the best overall... It will take one heluva knock out performance by EJ IMO. personally I'm just glad they are all performing above expectations
  5. Only fair that he get a real chance to display himself with the #1's I would of been disappointed if Rex didn't at least give him that opportunity. I still think TT start the season for us
  6. I would of said no way to TT starting for us when we acquired him, but He has done well. His passes are on target and on time. he can move the ball with his legs as well. I'm a fan of him getting the nod after training camp and 2 preseason games
  7. Incognito was still a complete douche bag in this situation regardless of Martins mental struggles. You don't know if your actions are going to send someone over the edge. Incognito was reckless and didn't perceive the situation for what it really was If anything Richie learned a life lesson here and he is better off from the experience of it IMO. As for Martin.. Don't judge a man till you walk a mile in his shoes. Nobody here knows what he has had to endure, we are all made differently. Nor can anyone here understand his struggles or how they came about.
  8. I trust the coaches and I feel EJ might benefit from another year of learning with no real pressure IMO Tyrod has been moving the ball the best
  9. because common sense says if there are listeners then there are going to be advertisers these advertisers do not give a rats ass about your opinion of an opinionated talk show, all they care about is if there are people listening WGR has done nothing wrong besides post opinions that you disagree with.. and look further to Rush Limbaugh and Howard Stern who rake in advertising $$$ and say things that are off the chart offensive the only thing you or anyone else can do is to stop listening !!! you can not continue to listen you must shut off WGR
  10. The QB position is sucking up lots of cash for mediocre play, but the fact is even mediocre QB play puts you in a better position to win. As QB salaries out pace the salary cap adjustments to the cap mentality will be made. Now imagine if there was no salary cap
  11. better yet. don't tune into the station. Too funny when the solution is to tell advertisers to stop advertising. The fact is if people are tuning in advertisers are gonna advertise
  12. Nope, its Meh... As in "meh!, Cassel is our starter"
  13. Tyrod IMO has been the most consistent and dynamic QB all training camp
  14. the little horse on the side is a give away
  15. See Drew Brees/Philip Rivers as an example of this
  16. At least he has some thick skin. That's a good attribute to have when your dealing with Bills fans
  17. It refreshing to at least have QB's that are rated in the preseason but not much to see here outside of that
  18. still do not see how you couds spread the huge hit across 2 years without disrupting some top DL players. I still don't think its possible even in your scenario. There would be pain
  19. Peyton on a 1 year deal for the Bills clearly means you wold have to dismantle some of the DLto pay him. There would have to be some serious contract reworks to make it work with minimal negative impact I imagine you trade Dareus for a 1st rd pick, rework Williams contract, and use both our 1st rd picks we would have to move up and draft a QB. Play Peyton for a year and mentor a new QB .. But someone on our defense line would have to be moved IMO. That is if this fantasy was to ever come to fruition, but that is the only scenario I see where this would have even the slightest of chances. But the fact is I doubt Peyton would ever come to Buffalo..
  20. after the Browns game I'm even more befuddled on who should start. Cassel got no reps against the B's, EJ has yet to start with the 1s They are all pretty much still equal in my eyes
  21. If Dareus plays hardball he's our ticket to getting up top of the draft to get a QB He's an awesome DT and he would fetch us top 1st rd pick in return and coupled with our 1st in 2016 we could be in a position to get a QB. Love to keep him, however QB is more important IMO. We would be better off with a quality QB over a Probowl DT IMO
  22. ROTLMAO What the hell does that have to do with freedom. Since when does freedom get associated with monetary gain? I'll never understand people like yourself who in some very twisted way think that money = freedom
  23. Yes its easy to judge a QB even without the skill.. Maybe not for the fans but the coaches know what plays are called and where the ball should be and where the breakdowns happened and how he reacts to them. Fans will probably react to stat sheet stuff, which is not the entire story and sometimes doesn't; even tell the story Now what if Tyrod takes this band of 2nd stringers and marches them down the field multipe times.. That would be fun to see...
  24. Thunder, lightning, wind and rain Football is humming inside my brain There's one thing fans, that keeps me crying A solid QB who does more than trying
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