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Everything posted by Snorom

  1. The Bills have spent money every year TD has been here minus his 1st season when we purged the roster. Each year we have been just under the cap limit. Please explain to me how TD has taken the cheap route ?
  2. These blurbs are awesome news for the Bills. We need OL, and there seems to be a nice lot for us to choose from. A restructure or 2 and a cut or 3 and the Bills should have enough cash to bolster the OL even with JJ leaving.
  3. Wow that quote sounds awfully familiar. Now do you really expect the Bills to trade away one RB for a 2nd round pick and then use that 2nd round pick to trade for another backup ? With the amount of RB's hitting the market this year it will be difficult to trade TH. Don't be surprised if the Bills decide to keep TH on the roster for another year.
  4. I watched this movie yesterday. I laughed a few times but overall... thumbs down
  5. Thats funny if true. The Bills steam rolled the Raiders, I believe the score was 51 - 3
  6. The fact the we are even having these ideas shows us how repulsive the powers that be are, in this country or others. Agent orange, anthrax and who knows what else has been developed in the name of "freedom"
  7. Pat Williams won't be leaving IMO. He is good friends with Sam Admas, and he likes it here. Jonas is an UFA, so he has no trade value, unless he works out a sign and trade deal. No chance of Jonas signing a deal with the Bills before he judges his value on the open market. Travis Henry won't be fetching any 1st rd picks. We will get a 2nd rounder for him, or he will remain a Bill IMO. The odds of the Bills getting a 1st rd pick this year falls in the slim to none category. We used this years 1st rd last year, and bought our QB of the future a red shirt year.
  8. actually the comedy of the whole charade is worth it.
  9. part of the problem is that CEO's VP and other higher up personell want to maintian there extreme wage scale and lifestyle. Get rid of the many of these overpriced multi million dollar wages, bonuses and severence packages and all of a sudden there is more then enough money around to provide decent livings for locals
  10. I do believe he has to play some games or be on the injured reserve list for him to have honored his contract. However the Bills will have to leave him on the roster.
  11. I'm proud of Americans who are concerned and willing to help out South Asia in this time of need As for the War in Iraq, no pride at all, its just a cruel joke, as is GWB
  12. I care about American jobs and workers, but everytime I look around I see CEO's VP's and other higher ups grabbing outrageous bonuses, making moves to appease share holders, and then sticking it to the little guy in the form of health care costs, smaller salaries, less vacation/sick/holiday time, no/little retirement benefits, and outsourcing. Stop handing out stupid salaries and insane bonuses to white collar workers 1st then come back to me and tell us not to B word. So much money is wasted making a few people rich while many of us get the raw end of the deal. When a job gets outsourced to a place like India there are quite a few white collar employees raking in extra bonus money and getting promoted for doing so while 100's of jobs dissapear from home.
  13. That would mean Clevelnad robbed us blind. A upper half of the 2nd round pick is the bare minimum. After that you start adding bonus picks into the mix.
  14. The Bills are desperate for a long range accurate kicker. If there is a player who has the potential I would pull the trigger at the 2nd round.
  15. When it comes to purchasing RAM the more the better, however unless you are doing alot of Video Gaming, Movie and / or Photo editing you can get away with 512MB comfortably. Most of todays intensive software recommends a minimum of 128MB, Encyclopedia Britanica software, which uses alot of pictures, and movies, suggests a minimum of 256MB. DDR = Double Data Rate SDRAM = Synchronized Direct Memory Access DIMM = dual in-line memory module Double Layer write capability is the next wave of DVD and CD burners. It allows for information to be writeen on 2 layers of a Disc. This also requires specially purchased Disc for recording to mulitple layers. At this time I would say the double layer write capabilities is not that important.
  16. Its called get a job and run a cable
  17. Its called DirectTV and the SUnday Ticket. You'll never miss a game
  18. Yuo just described Greg Williams
  19. The cowbell is good laughs, I blame those who blame the cowbell
  20. It would be great if the Bills received permission from SNL to be able to place the Christopher Watkin clip of him saying " I have a fever and the only cure is more cowbell " on the jumbo tron and then have cowbell day at the Ralph for the Pitt game, the 1st 20,000 fans get a souvinier red white and blue cowbell, and mallet.
  21. Even though I agree we have flaws, that's no reason not to enjoy the 2nd half of this season, and the possibility of a playoff berth. But if people want to be miserable pricks, well then go ahead and un-enjoy yourself Bossman = Ice = RJ
  22. March Madness is the pnly basketball worth watching. the NBA is a snore fest
  23. I did a paper from my college psychology course based off of the benefits of medical marijuana. One of the biggest problems in this country is the lack of funding by the federal Gov to verify its benefits. Other countries have run a multitude of tests, and from all most every document the benefits were positive, and those with ailments praise the benefits they receive from MJ over any prescription drug. The big issue is the fact that big drug companies cannot patent MJ, or keep people from producing their own medicine. Which is sad, I really do not feel any human should be forced down a road just for the benefit of capitalism. On the other hand, I don't feel MJ should be illegal for recreational reasons either. Way to much time, money and efforts are going into the criminalization of MJ and users. All those resources would be much better used in the war against narcotic substances that have physically addicting properties. Get rid of Cocaine, Heroine, Meth and illegal prescrition drugs and most of the problems we associate with drug addicts will dissappear.
  24. Don't forget Takeo, he may have been a restricted FA but TD still found away to get it done. London Fletcher was another big impact FA Milloy has made a big impact, and it looks like Troy Vincent is going to be a solid pick up as well.
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