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Everything posted by Snorom

  1. My buddy deep fries the wing , sauces them up then mesquites them on the grill. I've yet to taste a better wing.
  2. She probably could've won a game of battle$hits.
  3. don't let the neocons know about this, they'll have a canipshin fit.
  4. Khalif Barnes OT Washington 6’5 310 He may be ranked lower presently based upon the fact he didn't play much this year so I wouldn't be surprised to see his stock rise with a solid showing at the combine
  5. Looking at Drews #'s the last 2.5 years its hard to beleive JP would do any worse. I'm all for seeing JP play, but he'll have to earn it at camp and preseason
  6. OK, I'll rephrase it. Employers in general. Big companies and small companies are all doing this kind of thing. AND THEY STILL DO NOT HAVE THE !@#$ING RIGHT TO TELL US HOW TO LIVE OUR LIVES OUTSIDE OF THE WORK ENVIROMENT NO MATTER WHAT THE COST !!!!!!!! What does "this isn't a socialist coountry " have to do with this. We live in a capitalistic world. We need to make a living, pay bills, have health care, and a retirement. It is our right as Americans to be able to pursue work, and live our lives free of our employers idealogies of who and what we should be outside of the workplace, and outside of company time. If I goto my job and work hard then who the hell are they to force me to piss in a cup and then tell me I'm not a worthy employee. We are giving companies too much control. I would gladly not work for any of these companies, but unfortunately there the only gig in town. There are very limited, or no opportunites that do not pursue some sort control on thier employees and there outside lifestyle. I am sick and tired of having my life controlled by an entity that has no business involving itself in what I do outside of work Money, Profits and Costs should not be the guage upon how freedom is determnined Coach, and that is what is wrong with the Country. And why your bitching about health costs maybe you should remember that the health industry still shows a few billion dollars in profit every year, and that prescription drugs are more expensive in the country they are developed in, and all the other BS that goes on. SO take your head out of your ass and stop subscribing to corporate control of our freedoms. Imperialism isn't much of an improvement over socialism.
  7. This is ludicrous, and just as invasive as drug testing. A person should only be evaluated by his/her performance on the job. If someone is habitually late, constantly slacking then and only then should someone be terminated. What aperson does outside of the job environment should remain part of a person private life. Make no mistake about this, alcohol consumption will be next. They will begin testing people to see if they used alcohol over the weekend. Do you realize how much money is lost to corporate america because of Monday hangovers? How about employees who do like to eat at fast food restaurants a few times a week and carry an extra 50lbs. PERSONALLY I THINK CORPORATE AMERICA NEEDS TO STAY THE !@#$ OUT OF OUR PERSONAL LIVES. I wonder how many millions these corporate big wigs rake in. They seem more then willing to screw the little man to ensure there way of life. Hell for many of us a smoke, toke, drink or a chicken wing represents one of our few affordable pleasures.
  8. Sir, there is too much blood in your alcohol.
  9. XP SP2 does alot more then just upgrade IE. It includes manyof the security patches etc... Stuff that firefox alone will not fix, or has absolulty nothing to do with. I installed Firefox and it seems to run nicely, but I have not yet discovered much of anything that makes it superior to IE.
  10. its because Jones wants a multi year deal, which won't come cheap. He has been holding out for that long term deal with the big signing bonus, but Seattle continued to use the Franchise tag on him. The Bills, if they decided to try for Jones will without a doubt have a muti-year deal on the table that will have a hefty signing bonus. I have no problems with the Bills truying to obtain Jones long term.
  11. I disagree somewhat. 1st when a LB is covering a pass play downfield he is covering for a screw up in the secondary. I don't know of any LB who is the primary Defender responsible for downfield recievers. Although Fletcher did have some bad timed penalties, at least 1/2 of then were very questionable. I remember more then once watching Fletcher barely scrape a QB and get flagged. I like London, and personally believe he does not need ot be even considered for replacement.
  12. The 1.6 mil we would save by cutting Fletcher would not benefit us at all financially based upon the fact it would take probably at least that to sign Bell. then there is the whole chemistry thing, and knowing the system. Not to mention the fact the Fletcher is a great MLB Last time I checked our D wasn't broken, so why would you want to fix it ?
  13. Do you really think that removing funding from people on welfare is going to solve problems. That they will all just take the jobs that cannot provide the means well enough to support a person. How is this going to help the problems of people who are on welfare. There are tremendous amount of people today who work full time and are receiving little or no benefits, and stuggle to make ends meet. Many of these people today are well educated. I know of many people who are college educated who cannot find jobs that provide enough. The fact is minimum wage jobs do not provide the means to a life outside of poverty. Clinton proposed welfare reform but conservatives wanted no part of that. The problem with inner city drug use can just as easily be associated with prohibition. Remember this country's dance with alcohol prohibition. It became the foothold of organized crime and political corruption that gained so much power that many of those factions in this era still exist. The black market was created and it became easy money for many. Take away the black markets and the the amount of crime will desolve proportionally. The real question about inner city drug use is how does a couple hundred tons of cocaine and heroine make it into this country every year. You cannot blame any liberal for this. Although I am positive you will try. This country was based on immigration, something even george bush supports. No liberal or faction of the government has ever fought for an open door policy to immigrantion. Unless you have multiple sources showing this belief to be true beyond your own cut and paste conservative BS there is no reason to debate it. Its not true. Last time I checked the Bush administration has done very little to make it more attractive for corporations to keep jobs here. The other problem is the fact that so many CEO's, VP's and other higher up white collar corporate personel receive huge bonuses for doing whatever it takes to drive profits and stock prices higher. Because of this menatality, what we see today in America is less. Less jobs, less benefits, less pay, while those towards the top of the tower take larger and larger cuts. We see jobs being shipped overseas for one simple reason. We, the American Blue collar worker need, and expect to make a good solid living. Its time for those at the top of the ladder to take less and redistribute the wealth back down to those who make the country work. However, the American people themselves have to take on much of this blame. Those of us who insist on the cheapest prices are subscribing to outsourcing. Which in turn lowers our wages and the amount of jobs available. This then forces us to look even further for cheaper goods that come from outsourcing. As for needless regultion. In some cases I will agree with you, but I also believe the conservative right is just as dangerous from the opposite end of the spectrum. Allowing corporations to run, unchecked. To me this seems to be a very crooked situation based upon the amount of corporate money we see pouring into politics. This one is a laugh riot. Jumping back 50 or so years and trying to fit it into todays world. I'm sure whatever was happening at this time has little to do with what we are seeing in this age. To even think that this is a liberal issue is just downright laughable by anyone. I would call this a desperate reach by a right wing extremeist.
  14. There are only 2 teams in the league The Bills and everyone else Bills by 7
  15. I love the comedy. I'm flabergasted by the amount of non thought, and pursuit of stupidity that went into actually posting this dribble. How does one become so tunnel visioned to honestly believe this non sense.
  16. Fat Pat yes, Jonas is overrated and I would welcome a more expensive Walter Jones. Jones will be a hard buy given the fact that many teams will be interested. We will however need to tread cautiously with Jonas because he might be our best option when all is said and done.
  17. I would like to see the Bills pursue Franks in FA. Campbell and Franks would make a nice 1-2 punch at TE and allow us have solid depth at the position as well. However priority is OT, and OG
  18. If Pitt sticks with the run, and their D plays like they have all season then Pitt has a solid chance of winning. However my gut tells me NE and their experience will rule the day.
  19. I too worry about Losmans durability. Partially because the Kid has no concept of how to slide.
  20. Abraham would be the only real DE on the market that most teams would covet. This woul dmake it an expensive proposition. Given our more pressing needs of OL improvement do we have the cash necessary to resign Pat Williams, and possibly one of the top rated OT, OG, TE's scheduled to hit the market ? Personally I think with JP getting ready to take the reigns, and Willis McGahee capable of running for a 5.0 yds per carry average we should do whatever it takes to place talent across our OL
  21. The only way Bledsoe is cut is if it happens before March 1st. He is do a roster bonus of 1 million. If we do pay him 1 million on March 1st, does anyone really believe we would cut him. No way Ralph ponies up a million then allows him to be cut, thats just a bad financial decision. Especially if we intend to cut him after 6/1. Paying him the million roster bonus pretty much wipes out a solid chunk of what we would have saved cutting after June 1st I also believe Drew cannot take a paycut, it would require ripping up the old contract making DB a free agent and accelerating the bonuses to the 2005 season, then developing a new contract which would essentially pay DB what we would have saved by cutting him. It would be a net gain of nothing. Cutting Drew before March 1st saves us 1.5 mil or so, but we will obviously spend that on a backup anyways. Do we keep DB who is familiar with the system and better capable of helping JP along, or do we cut him bring in a QB who has to learn the entire system, and develope a relationship with JP. More then likely we will go into the 2005 season with DB, and a open competition for the starting QB position.
  22. A dome kicker in Buffalo, that cannot kick off. That leaves me a little worried. Personally I would like to see the Bills grab Mike Nugent. He'll come with some growing pains but should be more then capable of matching Lindell's output his rookie year. He already plays in Ohio outdoors and has steadily improved during his college career, plus he's got the leg for 55yds
  23. I would love to see a 3rd party that can unite this country and undo much of the damage that has been done. The problem is all of us have different ideas on how we want to be free, and one person view completely unaccepts another persons view. There is not much give and take, we are being channeled into one form of freedom that everyone has to accept or else. IMO America, capitalism and our version of democracy is alot like an alcoholic, or junkie. It will never have much of a chance of getting better until it hits rock bottom. When many have lost hope and have but each other to rely on maybe then we can become more tolerant towards each other and work together. My view is to return power to the people, the upper middle to lower classes. In other words the majority. Our society is too overly influenced my money and those who have it. Too many decisions being made based on there economic outcomes rather then what this country was supposed to represent.
  24. Guess I missed something, but I figure you'll be pushing daisies sometime tommorrow
  25. The fish have a few years before they will be back on top. They still have to work with a major salary cap issue. More then likely they will have to purge some players this year. New England is losing both of their coordinators. They should still be tough, but more then likely they'll take a step back. The 2005 Jets we'll probably be on par with 2004 Jets IMO. The Bills should do well in FA, but with a big question mark at QB.
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