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Everything posted by Snorom

  1. There is SOME corruption in some unions as we see in life whenever money is involved, but the IAM751 (my union) represents over 100,000 of us and 99% of us in the union are extremly thankful. I also don't hear many UAW workers complaining about there situation, among a few others skilled trade labor unions. I've never had a better job then the one I held while working for the IAM751. I was well taken care of, with 2 weeks vacation, holidays, full health/dental, pension, and 401K. I am laid off now, but I have call back rights to my job. I feel very lucky to have this opportunity, and I have received awards for my workmanship, and letters of recommendation from my non-union supervisors. Your focusing on a few far fetched union negatives, and abandoning all the postivies. I guarentee you'll find a heluva alot more negativity at the top of the ladder when it comes to equality, fairness, and greed. I think you better look at the CEO's and VP's making 100's of thousands to millions a year as the reason why prices are being driven up. I say lets put a salary cap on the ivory tower people and force the money down to the employees who deserve a better livable situation. Thats what America is supposed to be about. If your willing to get up every morning do your job that makes many other people rich you should get a rock solid livable wage. No one should be told to stop living beyond their means, sell your used car and ride a bike to work. Nobody should be laidoff from a job while CEO's rake in huge bonuses. Its time for Amercia to re-unionize itself. Too much corporate greed is happening and its effecting the middle and lower class workers.
  2. Yeah those people who cannot afford health insurance, a car to get to a decent job, money to put in a retirement fund, a house, and other basic living expenses. Let the corporations milk the people for what they can. Thats why our system is failing as much as it is. Keep the wealth at the top, create desperation, and competiton at the lower half so people would be willing to jump though a flaming hoop to get that 1 job. All always be pro-union. I've seen enough stupidity and evil doings from those in the tower and wallstreet to realize it is one of the few ways most of us have at getting our share. I've worked 50 - 80 hour weeks for over half of my professional career to have a few extra bucks. I pay all my bills and I have not been on a vacation in over 5 years. I was given time and half for hours over 40, double time on Sundays, and triple time on holidays. That's fair. After all those hours and decent paychecks I have just enough to put a few bucks away, keep my used cars running, put some money into my home, keep the shelves moderately stocked with food and have a decent Christmas. I can not see how getting people solid benefits and higher wages is a bad thing for anyone. Too much greed at the top of the ladder, and the people who are fighting for $15, $20, and $30 hr wages with solid benefits deserve every penny !!!!! This contry does not work without people on the bottom so its time to make sure the wealth is shared. If you want to make more then you work harder and work your way up, but basic living in this country should include more then "downgrade to a bicycle and huff it to work" mentality. That thought disgusts me. Unions have their pros and cons, but I belong to local IAM751 and I thank the higher power every single day that I have them. Without them I wouldn't have call back rights to my high payin job, I wouldn't have 2 weeks vacation and I wouldn't have a pension plan, or health insurance for my family. I guess what disgusts me the most is the way too many candy asses subscribe to the thought process of the wealthy.
  3. Is Seattle going to franchise him ? I haven't seen any news about it. But their is no limit to how many times a player can be franchises. I also believe Pace has been franchised for 2 years now as well. If Jones gets franchised again you can expect him not to show up until the last pre-season game of the season again.
  4. Thats just it, our OL has been subpar during TH's 1000 yd seasons, and he ran for 1300, and 1400yds. He should be capable of more behind a quality OL but I agree it will be a challenge to get a #2 for him this year.
  5. The question isn't about the 6 mill he'll make this year if this number is fact (which I stil see little to support it) The question is how much was turned into bonus money and how many years has he been extended ? 6 million this year could be peanuts if its spread out over 4 more years with manageable salary cap hits.
  6. there's nothing at the website that I could find in regards to the Dallas rumor either.
  7. I'm 100% union, especially seeing how ignorant and selfish corporate CEO's, VP's, and other high up white collar personell are. I watched the Boeing corp layoff 10,000+ workers only to see about 50 million in bonuses be handed out to these corporate big wigs. Unions are there to make sure us blue collar folk have good work that helps us take care of our families. This country needs a strong return to the union mentality. Otherwise we will see the present labor situation in this country get worse. Less benefits, less pay, just plain less.
  8. Yeah I would love to see them put together another movie. I love a good stoner flick. Dazed and Confused Half Baked Fast Times at Ridgemont High Harold and Kumar go to White Castle Cheech and Chong Up in Smoke Cheech and Chong Still Smoking Cheech and Chong Nice Dreams Cheech and Chong Things are Tough all Over Super Troopers Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back to name a few Monty Python promised to put a reunion together while they were at the Aspen comedy festival a few years ago but it never materialized.
  9. 1.) Jones 2.) Pace 3.) Jennings I would rather have either Jones or Pace over Jennings, but thats is going to cost some cash. Knowing that 2007 is a non salary cap year it maybe possible to give a big payday year to one of these top OT's in 2007 and salvage the cap hits across the rest of the years to something more palatable
  10. Well this is a good thing. This means this offseason is TD's money year. He playing for his payday Playah's step it up in the last season of a contact
  11. Does Clements want to be extended or is he going to want to test the market ??? Does Clements want to reamin a Bill or does he want his payday ??? You don't have to remind many of us who are well aware of Clements situation. However we do need to addres the OL some this year in FA. We also need to resign Pat Williams, and address the Jonas Jennings situation
  12. If we bolster the OL and OL depth our present RB's should be able to chip away some yds. I agree that we should not be using our 2nd rd pick(s) for an RB. as for Clarett in the 4th or 5th rd, he'd be an instant cancer. Clarett IMO wouldn't accept a back up roll and would probably make alot of unwanted noise IMO.
  13. I think TD has done a solid job. I'm sure he'll bolster the OL through FA and the draft this year, after that it will be about value players and depth. TD has taken some gambles, but overall were a team heading in the right direction. It now comes down to the QB position IMO. DB never returned to form, and we don't know enough about JP besides the fact he doesn't know how to slide or run out of bounds.
  14. We desperately need an upgrade at OG, something I wouldn't want left to a rookie.
  15. was there really a 50% commercial to show ratio. That does suck.
  16. This quote reminds me of the song in the South Park movie, "What would Brian Boitano do" just replace Brian Boitano with Tom Donahoe, and sing along
  17. I thought he was lower then that, but its still an impressive pick up in the 3rd rd.
  18. I doubt Clevelands new HC is going to want DB.
  19. The Bills have already signed thier K for next year Owen Poochman (j/k) however he will be in NFL Eurpope so we will at least get ot see what he can do in a game.
  20. I think its a wise move, thats how the Pats got Brady, Montana was another low rd steal. However there needs to be a veteran QB prescence somewhere in our rotation. This is why I think we end up keeping Drew for one more season. He knows the system better then anyone and he doesn't save us enough to cut. He pretty much just gives us enough money back to sign a vet to replace him.
  21. They should spread the love around some. I think every major fan in every city would like to have the draft come their way at least once
  22. Looks like the Madison Square Garden owners are opposing the Jets move into a 1.4 billion dollar stadium in Manhattan. therefore the NFL will move this years draft down the street to a new venue. The NFL say it will never hold the draft at MSG again there is more to read if you follow the link
  23. a 500k cap hit if we cut Lindell IMO is a very acceptable risk. Lindell cannot be counted on when the game is on the line and the the attempt is more that 35yds out. But I agree that we more then likely will not try to replace Lindell with a FA K based upon monetary needs, and its why we should be looking at the Nuge and try to find away to parlay our TH cards and other draft picks into a 2nd 2nd rd pick. If we do draft the Nuge everyone here is going to have to accept that their can be some growing pains with a rookie NFL K just the same. At least there is no doubt that he has the leg.
  24. I'm willing to bet Christie dislikes TD and the Bills for the way he was released.
  25. 1st of all Daimon Shelton is a RB that played for the Bills last season. 2nd of all, L.J. Shelton has consistently been penalized and gives up occasional sacks. I would not trade a #1 for him. However I see no problem about attempting to trade for him with TH. 3rd. You cannot be serious about the giving TH away thing or are you ??? TH is worth something to someone, and that someone could very well be the Bills as a back up.
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