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Everything posted by Snorom

  1. Given the recent news about Mike Williams cap esculators and new cap hit I don't think we will have any cash to sign Wahle or Franks. Definitely not both. Especially with the need for some QB depth We will have the cash to sign PW, JJ or a replacement, a backup QB and our RFA's. After that we probably only have enough cash left over for a depth pick up, and the rookie pool.
  2. THIS SUCKS !!!! MW just ate 6 million off of our cap. We are now reduced to signing JJ or his replacement, PW, abackup QB and a few of our RFA's I don't see us being able to do more then a depth pick up. Finding that stud LG/OL help we desperately need doesn't look as possible as it did yesterday.
  3. The only question I am asking is on Clumps salary cap page he has Mike WIlliams listed for a 2.1 million amortisized bonus and a 3.0 mil "other bonuses" What constitutes "other bonuses" http://www.billszone.com/mtlog/archives/20...ry_cap_page.php this site has us projected at 14.6 mil under http://www.askthecommish.com/salarycap/numbers.asp Billsdaily updated its cap page today and has us at 14.8 million under http://www.billsdaily.com/frontoffice/salarycap.shtml
  4. They did try but JJ did bite. We signed Schobel to an extension instead. After that there was no money left to sign JJ. He obviously wanted to test the market.
  5. I don't see why 6.5 million means Eric gets cut. If he has another 1000 yd 80 catch season However If they only converted this years salary into bonus then cutting him next year would probably mean that the he will still cost the team 4 - 5 million to release only saving us 1 - 2 million at best. I think Eric is safe for another year. I am more concerned about Mike Williams situations.
  6. Here's the best info I could find http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/columns/stor..._len&id=1990017 From the above info it looks like Moulds received a 10.5 million signing bonus. Divide the bonus by 3 and you add 3.5 per year for amortisized bonus. He has a base salary of 1.5 million in 2005 (cap hit of 5 million). This means he probably has base salaries of 3 million in 2006 (cap hit of 6.5 million) , and 4 million in 2007 (cap hit of 7.5). If Moulds continues to play at a high level he may see another restructure in 2007, or he may get the ax. As for Mike Williams if he plays solid this year I'm sure the Bills will try to extend him The question is is he a team player and will he gice the Bills a chance to extend him and save us cash However your original post says 19 million cap hit between Mike and Eric.
  7. Those numbers are off. Moulds restrucutred his contract and will cost the team about 6.5 million in 2006. Are you talking Mike Williams or Pat Williams. Pat is UFA so I will assume Mike Williams. Not sure about Mike W's 2006 cap number but I guarentee its not 12.5 million.
  8. McNair would cost the Titans more to cut him then keep him. McNair is going nowhere
  9. Might as well contact terry Bradshaw. Hell maybe Marino wants to strap them back on.
  10. This would be a dissaster !!!!. I'm all for Mike Williams, but not at the price you've suggested. Which means we pretty much have no shot at Mike Williams. I see no reason to sacrafice any future draft picks especially next years #1 & #2, and I definitely would hate to see us lose one of our starting LB's. Who would replace Posey ?
  11. We have planety of cash to sign Walter Jones, Pat Williams, and get a quality LG / C as well as sign an experienced backup QB.
  12. I'm sure everyone here who wants Losman over DB is willing ot give TD the benefit of the doubt, at least until the season starts. And if we end up heading for a .500 or sub .500 season every person on this forum who did give TD the benefit of the doubt will post page long rants on why TD sucks and why he must go. You can bank on it, it the way of the modern day Bills fan. hopefully Losman will be all that, and hopefully TD bolsters our OL with some major offseason upgrades !!
  13. you do realize that the "dumb" resigning freed up money for us last year, and that cutting DB pre 6/1 this year still saves us 2.2 million, with no hit next season.
  14. We have more then 12 million to spend, and their won't be that much of a bidding war on Walter Jones IMO. His services will come at the top of the paychart. Nobody will completely overbid for him. You're either a WJ player or your not. the difference between contracts will be nickels and dimes. Jones will goto the team who has the better chance of winning it all IMO. Most teams have invested heavily into their existing LT's, or have other pressing needs. I'm sure Jones will command a top salary, but IMO he is the best in the league and worth it. I'd gladly take Jones over JJ.
  15. Trey's a FA in 2006 I believe. SO competition at the Center position is more then necessary since we will probably be looking at a needed replacement and depth.
  16. Bettman should have insisted on the cap during the last bargaining agreement. the players need to realize that the ONLY viable solution is a cap which guarentees cost control. The only people being hurt are the fans. Hockey is way to expensive to go and see for most families. Its hard to create a new generation of passionate hockey fans when most parents just don't view it as worthy of the expense. My Dad use to take me to many games, but back then tickets we're 10 - 12 for the cheap seats. Souveniers were a few bucks, and a Coke was .50
  17. I agree with alot that Mr. Skinny as devulged. Although there may be a few more teams interested JJ will not get as much play as people think. He is not a stand-out LT, and does have injury issues. Personally I would rather have Walter Jones, and I hope TD and Co. do bring him in if he is not franchised. If we could land WJ, and one of the top FA G's available in this years FA, re-sign Marcus Price for depth our OL will be in very very nice shape. We should still have enough left over for Pat Williams, and a back up QB.
  18. yep that's why the Bus is in Hawaii
  19. If the NFL players association wanted to force that issue and have it placed into their bargaining agreement they would, but they haven't for obvious reasons. Pro football players, especially 10 year vets make more then enough to retire on. The blue collar worker and union guy is required to work 30 years for a company before they have a solid retirement.
  20. You are ignorant. I have 2 college degrees and my 2nd degree I graduate with honors fool. Your stupidity is laughable. You honeslty believe it is only the non educated feeling the pinch. Not only do I have 2 degrees but I have also invested serious time and money into my A+ and CCNA certifications SO please stop being an ignorant self serving jack ass and try to realize that there is a huge need for corporate America to create better liveable wage jobs. Why are you so afraid of creating more and better opportunity for the masses ????
  21. I have a 2 year degree in electro-mechanical systems and 15 years experience as an electronics/robotics technician, and I have a 2 year degree in Computer Information Systems with about 2 - 5 years experience depending on how you look at my work history. I also have my Comptia A+ Certification and Cisco CCNA certification I would be happy to take a job as an electronics tech, or as an IT/Network administrator or technician. Anything I have been fortunate to find temporary work a few times this past year, but whenever a good permanent positon is offered up there are 100's of applicants.
  22. What you think it easy finding better work. I have been struggling for over a year to find better work, and I have 2 college degrees, and have graduated with honors. I send out numerous resumes a week, and I try to contact anyone I know who can help me. There are very few opportunites and those that are above average receive 100's of applicants. Take your heads out of your butts people. The fact is there are not enough good solid jobs around for everyone, and until there are more opportunities created, and sacrafices made at the top more and more people will continue to sink lower and lower into povery or worse. Many companies choose to higher temp workers so they don't have to offer any benefits, and many peopl eaccept these jobs simply because they have no choice.
  23. Ahh yes it takes money to invest, and you seem to be under th edellusion that many people here are making enough to invest. I have some money put away, but I barely make enough to pay all my bills. In fact right now I am unemployed for the 3rd time this year. I continually get offered temporary work and I accept it because I have no choice. I have been on 20 interviews in thelast 6 months and many of these jobs are only offering &12 - $16 an hour with no benefits, or benefits after 120 days. People have the same opportunity to invest, but unless you take a look at the reality of the picture, many of these people do not have the extra income, and that why we need to provide better wages and livings for workers. and yes there are some jobs created by wealthy people buying things, but there would be much more created by giving wages to the masses that encourage them to buy things. Trickle down economics will never work. The rich are not going ot invest into more jobs unless there more people capable of buying the product. Its unbelievable how easy it is for people to say screw you if you can't make more money, its not my fualt. Welcome to the new heartless America.
  24. Good Ole Joe the neocon. Its always us vs: them with you. If you don't see it Joe's way then you are obviously nothing more then left wing extremist hell bent on delivering the devils deeds. Joe you seriously have to manage your completly blind ignorance. OOps, now he's going to attack me with some neoconservative non sense.
  25. You cannot possibly be this ignorant. Accept it, many have no choice simply because there are enough jobs out there, or the jobs that are out there do not pay nearly enough. They already sacraficed and are living within their means because they have no choice. We are talking about improving the quality of life for many of the individuals through union representation SO they can have a better paying job,. and a happier existence. Something you are obviously hell bent on preventing. Just because you have a decent paying job doesn't mean many others are as fortunate. Also getting more money into the hands of the lower and middle classes is a great way to stimulate the economy. More people with more money = more spending. But what the hell lets make sure the money stays in the hands of the ivory tower people. God knows they could use another Porsche, another 3 week Carribean Vacation, a boat, a vaction house, and a few more stock market investments while way too many are lvining at poverty levels or just enough to live week to week no matter how much more they cut out. My Dad and many of the parent of posters in here barely made it out of highschool. They all were capable of finding solid jobs making excellent wages that took care of all of us when we were children. Most of them depended on unions to ensure this Amercian dream. Now so many of you have turned their noses up at the so many who are just looking to achieve a solid lifestyle and a chunk of their American dream. shame on you. The rich are getting richer at the expense of us all.
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