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Everything posted by Snorom

  1. Its great to have opinions, but do you really have this much pent up hate for one of the greaest most documeted rock bands ever. The Dead rocked. Loved seeing them play.
  2. it tis funny. If it was on 97 rock it would have been verified by someone by now
  3. The we won't have to go lookin gfar for a backup RB
  4. Heck there are 3 boards I visit and they all have their share of doom and gloomers Its an entertainment value I am learning to cherish
  5. PW contract isn't to harsh but JJ's is over the top.
  6. TD is going to pickup some solid value players after the dust settles
  7. I bleed Buffalo Blue. If I was a FA I'd pay the Bills to let me have the priviledge of playing for them. but it is fun reading the gloom and doomers posts
  8. whatever you feel. I believe Clumps info based purely upon past experience. The same way a person deals with most everythng in there life. You trust what has been right before. I guess time will tell wether he's right or wrong, but I'd bet the farm he's damn close to correct. You can choose to believe or disbelieve whatever you choose. In Clump I Trust... that's my moto
  9. Most of us have followed Clumps salary cap pages and info for the last 3 or so years. The guy is always on top of things and always within the ballpark You choose to doubt, but the fact is they call him the cap guru for a reason. I swear by Clumps info as do most others
  10. He's listed as an OT on the Bills roster I think Peters may get a chance to win the RT job. He also be a great Tackle elidgible
  11. I doubt MW would bite then. His contract already has some big "LT" numbers in it. If he extends it will be for more of the same. Thats why TD is not going to rework MW's contract in the near future IMO. We need to see some more back on our initial investment before we invest somemore.
  12. Would you restructure MW after last season debacle? He dissapeared from camp for a few days and was in real bad shape. Restructuring means MW gets a heluva alot more money up front and his cap hits are enlarged over the next 2 years, or he can extend his agreement which means he gets a heluva alot more money up front and we are stuck with him for an extra year or so. If MW comes into camp, in shape and on time, and he has the "I'm your new LT attitude", and then back it up I would forsee TD extending MW's contract and giving us quite a bit of space over the next few years. If MW pulls another out of shape "Where's Waldo" then I don't forsee TD doing anything that would force us to hold onto MW any longer then we have to. Our other concern in Eric Moulds who has a very nasty cap hit next year. Restrucuturing only bought us 1 more season with EM
  13. Let him compete for the job.
  14. Zach is a MLB and would be around the ball more often. In that case we should compare LondonFletcher to Zach Thomas, but when we compare Takeo Spikes you are looking at a guy who is expected to play pass coverages and defend the run from the OLB position. I'm not sure if this counts, but Takeo had 5 INT's last year, 4 Forced Fumbles, and 3 sacks. I have to assume those are some serious play making stats. Zach had more tackles, but any MLB should have more tackles then an OLB.
  15. LMAO Takeo destroys Zach Thomas
  16. Eric did not take any paycut. he restructured and it will cost us next year and the year after In fact most people do nto forsee Moulds being a Bill after this year due to his enorjmus cap hit next season.
  17. Baas is the man. Baas plays with a mean streak. However I fully expect Baas to be long gone before the Bills step up to the podium.
  18. Nope. BJ is just as immobile as Bledsoe these days. The Bills won't spend 2 mil a season for a backup either
  19. Don't believe it. how is he going ot screw the Bills. Will let him be the backup all year. Can't see how that would be the move TH wants.
  20. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2005/02/27/...ain676728.shtml I guess the mans favorite beer was a heiferweizen
  21. Yep, comes a time when you have to make the tough choice.
  22. What would the Patriots do ?
  23. Bledsoe was a monster of durability. I think that was the point AVP was trying to make about DB. The guy never missed a game here.
  24. that is a very funny analogy. Good entertainment
  25. Charles Woodson has caused the Raiders a lot fo pain, but that doesn't mean the Bills will trade for him. We can pluck a few players off of the Raiders roster if they choose to trade for TH simply because they have to get rid of a few.
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