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Everything posted by Snorom

  1. I spent $200 on firworks and i feel like I spent too much $1500 is a lot of boom booms, especially class B's Enjoy !
  2. Jerry Garcia Jimi Hendrix John Lennon John Bonham Jim Morrison Frank Zappa Bob Marley I'm sure I could think of a few more
  3. I agree that Xanax and other highly addictive drugs should not be legalized, but the fact is she also had alcohol in her, and I've seen more violent behavior from people using alcohol. Most people want to see marijuana legalized, not drugs in general. Obviously drugs like Heroine, Cocaine, meth, and prescription abused drugs should never be legalized do to their extremely highly physcially addicitive nature. But keeping marijuana illegal makes no sense at all given the fact that it does not promote violent behavior, and it is not physically addicitive.
  4. Moved in 1997 because the job market sucked. positives: There are no income taxes in Washington, property taxes are 50% less then what they were back in Hamburg and my property is twice as large in Wash the pay is much better when I'm employed. Geographically it is significantly nicer out here with Mountains, rivers, and the Ocean all close by. Superior skiing. negatives: all my family and most of my life long friends live in WNY I'd move back under the right circumstances, but those circumastances probably won't materialize.
  5. Bubba Franks can still be signed away from GB since he is not reporting to camp, hasn't signed a contract. He is GB's transition player so he'll cost more, but its still an option
  6. http://www.kffl.com/hotw/nfl its also listed on ESPN http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/columns/stor..._len&id=2051662
  7. I do not believe in organized religion. I see religion as one of humanities biggest obstacles. IMO Evangelicans are evil, Christanity is violent, Muslims are unstable, Buddism makes the most sense to me, until they place woman under men, and Judaism is pretty much christanity without the Jesus. All these different religions and different ways to approach belief tells me that all organized religion is too screwed up to follow. I avoid them. I'm not sure if I am an atheist since I do not agree on there being a single or multiple deities to which I must shape my life to appease, however its hard to not contiplate (sp?) spirit and afterlife... especially when you are at low moments in your life.
  8. The pinnochio scene was too funny, and it wasn't Chris Rock it was Chris Tucker they we're portraying I do believe. American Dad was so-so, but better then most other Sunday night options
  9. can't wait. Love the show.
  10. We'll keep 5 or 6 WR's so unless some of the UDFA's really turn heads he'll get his spot on the roster.
  11. I gave up regular drinking quite awhile ago. On occassion like a concert or getting back together with old drinking buddies I'll put a hurt on myself, but I never drink hard liquor anymore. I prefer ganja. Smoke a little after work is done, work around the house, watch a TV or a movie and wake up every morning hangover free and ready for a new day.
  12. I'm going to see Hitchikers Guide to the Universe. That looks prety cool. If SW III gets good reviews and can rinse the bad taste out of my mouth from the last 2 I'll go see it. War of the Worlds should be cool, but I might wait and see that on DVD.
  13. More then likely he will see a year on the practice squad before he is ready. McNally has been recruiting Gusmundsen since his days with the Giants
  14. I think Gudmundsen is pretty much guarenteed a practice squad spot. He's a LT McNally has spent considerable time recruiting.
  15. He's signed through 2007. It was a 5 year deal 2003 411000.00 2004 326250.00 2005 529000.00 2006 731750.00 2007 905000.00
  16. Given the ineffficiency of the last QB, it is highly probable that JP will be better. I do expect growing pains, but Drew didn't set the bar too high.
  17. He has the strength, size and agility to play LT. He just lacks the experience and technique. Technique can be taught and Peter's has been working on that and will get plenty of camp and preseason exposure. Experience can be gained, which is what he has been and will be doing. Ability is something you either have or you don't. Its always a gamble, but there is no doubt that Peter's is a football player, not some workout wonder with great #'s
  18. Kenyatta Walker from the Tampa Bay Bucs. A player the Bills could of had but traded down and selected Clements instead. Walker will never be a Bill, and I believe Teague, Peters, and McFarland all represent better options at LT
  19. I agree that Teague will start the season at LT, and Gandy will stuggle to make the team. However Peter's will be given alot of reps / time at LT and will be the eventual starter at LT IMO. The Tucker/ Preston battle will come down to how well Preston does in camp and preseason. If its a close call you give it to Preston so JP won't be switching C's in a year and they get on the same page.
  20. No way could I pick any one band or one album. I have too many different moods and like too many different stlyles. but one CD I know for a fact I wouldn't want to have under any circumstance is Meat Loaf - Bat Out Of Hell
  21. We would be lucky to get a 7th round compensation pick in 2007 considering TH is a back up RB and will not command a large contract.
  22. Its a home video of the trailer being shown in movie theaters so its hard to see anything more then characters ans special effects. I hope its better then the last 2.
  23. Gotta Milk it to the max It sucks because I know how bad the writing will be, but like a Lemming all watch the 1st few episodes and hope or try to convinve myself it doesn't suck that bad.
  24. He's a SUNY Albany product that has been in contact with McNally for a few years. Not much info on him yet but I'm sure more will surface soon. Here is an article about him http://testhealthclub.com/pages/club/news_gudmundsen.html
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