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Posts posted by Snorom

  1. If we could trade up and only give up a 3rd round pick to move up to #8 I think it would be worth it. We need to strenthen our D-line. Spencer Johnson can play end as well as tackle and currently we only have 7 d-lineman who are worth anything. I am not excited about picking a WR or CB at #11.



    No chance in hell we could move up to #8 for a 3rd IMO... there will be a 1/2 dozen other teams offering larger trade packages, and besides that the Bills have too many needs at multiple positions to give up valuable picks to move up IMO.


    We need more picks in the 1st 3 rounds not less.

  2. Seriously.


    I see ten game on the schedule who are patsies and we should have no problem beating them.


    Right now I'm saying these ten games are almost guaranteed wins for us. Here are the ten teams who we can "for sure" beat:


    Oakland, St. Louis, Arizona, Miami, New York B, Kansas City, San Fransico, Miami, New York B, and Denver.


    Tell me I'm wrong!


    I'm so jacked up for this season, I say it every year, but I think we're gonna be great!


    This schedule is great.


    Mind you, these are the ten games we'll definately win, I think we can beat Seattle too, but it'll be tough.


    Cleveland's goin down.


    Jacksonville will be close.


    I think we can take one of the two from New England.


    San Diego will be tough.


    I'm predicting 11 and 5 and a playoff berth.



    it is a facvorable schedule and our best chance in years ot make the playoffs.




  3. Yeah that is real slow... but I would galdly pick him up in rd 3... His size and ability to shield defenders is what will allow him to be successful in the NFL. He has a great pair of hands.


    So if we pick up a Devin Thomas in rd 1 and somehow Kelly falls to us in rd 3 we will have a nice core of WR's IMO. If Evans leavs next year we will still be in decent shape WR wise...

  4. don't worry


    posters are confident are medical staff will perform miracles on those knees and quad so he will run faster than Deion ever did. :ph34r:


    (note- our medical staff is good - it's posters that are the problem in ignoring very real injury problems just because the guy is tall)



    Maybe, just maybe... people want to hear what our evaluators think... It has little to do with believing our Medical personell are gonna perform miracle cure of his ailments.. IF he has these ailments.



    But remember history Lee Evans had a bad knee.. Thurman Thomas had a bad knee.... both were cleared by our medical personel before being drafted...



    The other fact is Kelly's size will benefit him well in the NFL, so top end speed is not as important.

  5. if he wa so healthy- maybe he should have been proving it by running at the combine.


    he is damaged goods and the bills would be ill advised to pick him at #11


    But they like injured players, so this is probably a slam dunk.



    He has a quadrecep tear that he is healing from and that is why he didn't run at the combuine


    However I am 100% positive the Bills and any other team interested in kelly will no the real status before they select him...



    I agree with everyone lets wait fo rhis pro day and see what he does there.

  6. Nothing wrong with adding offensive talent, but it's a good bet that talent won't have much impact this year. Realistically, our O will still be a year away with a 2nd year QB, RB, and no TE threat or legit #2 WR.


    If you have a chance to get an impact player on defense, especially one that can bring pressure off the edge, you take him. It's that simple. If Rivers, or anyone else is the real deal you have a chance to lock up a player that will wreak havoc on offenses for years to come. Again, like Bennett in '87.


    GO BILLS!!!



    Any O talent brought in in the early rounds will have an impact over what we already have. it may take them 2 seasons to peak, but if we can trade down from #11 and thenuse the extra picks to trade back up into the 1st for 2 1st rd selections and grab a tall WR and a top TE we will be in much better dshape in 2008 then drafting the BPA on the D side of the ball IMHO...



    We really cannot afford to wait another year. Trent needs better targets and needs then now not in a year.

  7. Bottom line is if we DO NOT address our desperate need for offensive play makers our D will be on the field for so long they'll be dog tired at the end of every game while our offense fails to put up points like last year.


    The Bills simply must focus on offense or it will be another long year of frustration. I cannot see any scenario in which the bills go defense in the 1st, we just do not have that option.

  8. Just because one guy is an even cheaper bastard, doesn't mean Ralph isn't.



    Ralph is far from cheap... he just sucks at making football personell decisions. He let Polian go and that was his best move, all because Polian called his a daughter a B word, and from what I understand from people in the know... she is.

  9. It's 1250 points on the point value chart to get up to #11, and their #22 and #28 is 1440 points. We'd need to give up 190 points, which is our 3rd Rounder.

    How Bout:


    #22-Malcolm Kelly WR

    #28-James Hardy WR

    #42- Fred Davis TE

    #73- Geno Hayes OLB

    #111- Owen Schmitt FB

    #138 Brian Johnston DE

    #170 Chris McDuffie OG

    #202 Derek Lokey DT

    #210 Art Carmody K Louisville - all-time NCAA leader in points



    I love those 1st 2 picks.... IF kelly provesto to be healthy enough to warrant it... Otherwise I would be just as happy with Sweed and Hardy, or Thomas and Hardy... but I would love to see Hardy in a Bills uni just for his size and red zone ability


    I beleive if Dallas wants to move up then they'll have ot eat that 190 point difference and give us their 2 #1's

  10. I think ALL revenues from everything should go into a big fund and then be distributed equally between the 32 teams. With the NFL itself slicng a % off the top for administration/league purposes


    if a certain team cannot bring in a minimum amount of revenue determined through a formula of how much money is coming in and at what percentage a team is bringing in then that team should be forced to either improve revenue generation or be moved.


    finding the balance of lower revenue generating teams to higher revenue generating teams would always be an issue though. And lets face it my idea is not the most capitalistic idea in the world, but capitalism itself is starting to show signs of deterioration between the haves and have nots.


    and Of course this will never happen, and the league will deteriorate more over the next decade IMO. A few teams personal greed is much more important then the well being of the league, or of those who are struggling to afford daily expeditures let alone a little entertainment.



    Does anyone think baseball is a good example of what the NFL should end up like... with a few teams outbidding the rest for the top FA's that would make a big difference ot the rest of the league

  11. Did I say he had everything break his way??? He is an NFL QB..NFL players are suppose to be able to adapt..They are the cream of the crop....He didnt overcome..He didnt think and he didnt react..What else do you want to see? I give you the offensive gameplan looked bad..But so did the qb...They both sucked..And if Trent sucks get him oughta here too..I want a Qb that can read a defense and make plays....Simple...JP didnt do either very well..And the jury is out on Trent..We will see..



    Another fact is many QB's in the NFL spend 4- 6 +++ years in the league before things start to click better. Not all get it from day 1... Those that do are very special, most take years...


    Trent is our starter, and it is up to Trent to keep his job and not lose it. I'm 100% in support of Trent, but I fail to see why anyone wants to hate on JP for any reason. Yes he has flaws, he doesn't read D's very well, has acccuracy lapses and he doesn't have many touch passes, but when he is on he definitely has the tools... but he still doens't deserve ANY of the vile hate some of you throw at him.. and those that do are an embarssment to everythign Buffalo Bills.

  12. , also two first rounders are far too much to give up to go 11 spots higher.



    Dallas' #22 and #28 is slighty more in favor for the Bills in value, but if a top player does fall to us at #11 or a player that Dallas has rated high enough they would easily trade those 2 picks to move up IMHO...


    It all comes down to Dallas' perceived value of who is on the board. Getting one futre pro-bowler at #11 might be much more important to Dallas or another team then taking 2 future starters later on...



    Now I don't know or necessarlily believe Dallas would do this, but I definitely don't buy your theory that #22 and #28 is "too much". It depends on the situation, and who is on the board from Dallas' point of view.

  13. really depends on what happens before we pick and what the Bills plan of attack is...


    If a top pick falls to us at #11 the Bills might pull the trigger on a talented player over need. OR they could entertain trade down offers...


    I really don't believe the Bills will select a WR at #11 if they stay there... they will trade down and pick up extra picks then select a WR a little later IMHO

  14. Maybe you really do need two solid WRs to play offense in the NFL?



    I think that is a definite.. There needs to be a tandem.. otherwise any team can double up on the primary and basically shut down the passing game leaving an offense to be cme one dimensional with 8 in the box... Kinda sounds familiar for us Bill sfans.



    I want the Bills to bring in a pair of WR's through the draft and get Evans extended. On top of that I want a offesive capable TE

  15. Yeah, we shouldn't get too hyped up about a WR.....It's almost impossible to take the right guy....Why not corner? James isn't the answer...


    Here's another related WR article on Scout





    I'd be dissapointed in a CB in round #1 unless we trade down and gain picks and end up trading back into the late 1st rd ... Our CB problems were more of pass rush problem then a CB problem. Plus the cover 2 odesn't require a shutdown CB


    I'd rather draft a LB, DL, or OL before CB at #11.


    but we need 2 WR's out of the draft... and we need a bonafide TE threat to develope. that is why I support the trade down theory. We can get one of the top 3 WR's and not have to reach at #11, while still having a chance at one of the top CB's

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